I became a self hater because of Yas Forums thank you so much.
I became a self hater because of Yas Forums thank you so much
T. Beta cuck
why would anyone hate finns?
i dont know why but they certainly do
I became a chad because of Yas Forums thank you so much.
fuck finns
>This is a 10/10 in Finland
I don't have asiatic features so I always feel good about myself.
What? I would become a Fin in a heartbeat. You're the best people in the world.
No fuck you and your menstrual protction bandage flag
OP is an expat poster from ylilauta called mulatti-pro
black blood through his father
he loves Sweden
Fuck finns
>I became a self hater because of Yas Forums thank you so much
Yeah no im not THAT insecure about myself
lucky bastard
It's a propaganda trying to depict Finns as vicious animals
This nigga was based tho
>I was a self hater from the beginning Yas Forums just confirmed it
The more people hate us the better things are. It means less immigrants want to come here. We should encourage the hate.
Based Pekka
i just hate the mentality
calm people piss me off.
I love Finland and I wish I were Finnish
Not calm just autistic. With alcohol that autism goes away, that's why niggas here are so violent. Honestly friday night after the bar closes are more dangerous than many 3rd world countries I've been to
So do I Lithuanian
And I hate your mentality to native baltics celebrating pagan culture
What is so good about us then? I literally hate 50% people i meet irl. Ofcourse there are annoying people everywhere but this is just annoying. I dont belong here
Have you ever lived abroad? I lived 2.5 years in Malta. Most of my friends were other Finns and nordicks living (there was a big community) I didn't have many local maltese friend
There's just too much cultural difference, which was the reason I moved out, well to school. I wouldnt want to be customer support agent for gambling site forever.
Not really. I live in homo city where people are so arrogant and like ants with no humanity whatsoever and when i visit my relatives from northern finland imagine how much shit i get for saying that i live in helsinki. That is literally as bad as being a swede.
Never forget it
Poor Finns
I wonder how cute his penis is
show me your true finncore
I became xenophobic because of Yas Forums