Wwyd if you saw two Syrian refugees harassing a white girl in your country?

Wwyd if you saw two Syrian refugees harassing a white girl in your country?

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ask them if they want to help me rape her

I would call the local TVRKISH BVLL

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get dubs

Id start yelling at them in sicilian, a language that they look like they understand

He's clearly flexing

thank them and let them continiue as polish women are whores

>white girl

join them, this mutant freaks should leave my country or face the consequences

Same thing I'd do if I saw two whites harassing a Syrian girl, nervously walk away.

Rape the refugees.

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They have earned it after all they had to endure a hellish war in Syria

Explain to them that this isn't appropriate behavior in our country unless you're a Chad

Why are indians so cringe?

t. Rapefugee

join my arab brothers

Hide behind some bushes, whip out my dick, and fap.

Nothing, if the woman can't defend herself then she is unfit for this world

>an Indian solves his problems with rape

So fucking based.

I would say to the girl that she deserve it.

Ignore them because I'm scared of conflict

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Okay rape you next week

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naturally protecting woman is duty of man

If they were just harassing and it was a girl dressed up sluttily I'd leave it alone. If they were actually raping her i'd call the cops.

Every woman is leftist they advocate for open borders and sexual liberation

I do nothing but let them lay in the bed they made

Pull out my gun, make them get on the ground than I rape the girl while still having the gun pointed towards them and maintain eye contact

I'd find it funny

lel in reality they dont even dare to look in a girl's direction if they know someone is in a 5000000km radius

i'd gather up my ülkücü bros and teach them a lesson

I don't live in a city

I would call my two 2.1 metre Bosnian friends, Izimir Osmanlović and Adnan Turković to bully them.

looks pretty cyberpunk

The realistic answer is go home and masturbate the situation will be too hot to resist

Are there any conservative, non-whore Polish girls? I always assumed they'd be less whorish for some reason.

>in my country
join them
>in a white country
gather a crowd and beat them up for harassing the oppressed woman/kween, earn good brownie points and gain whitey's trust and secure the upcoming mayor elections like Sadiq Khan



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>Rape the refugees

Indian bantz is 10/10

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