Does this happen in your country?
Does this happen in your country?
I hope not.
It is horribly embarrassing.
mega cringe, even mentioned reddit
sounds like something an even bigger incel loser version of the Sherminator would say
this is him btw why is it always poojeets bros
>A Pajeet wrote this
two hours later:
>Women are fucking whores, they only like Chad. Even if I'm funny and have a good personality they just friendzone me and leave after we have a lunch date to go fuck Chad who she matched with on Tinder while she was in the bathroom.
Holy shit. His entire profile is CRINGE.
of course, it had to be indian
Lmao judging by her profile pic she’s chubby and short too.
Wish we had Islam in the west, 90% of women are vapid whores now.
He's not bad looking, might even be above average if he wasn't a poo.
too funny
well it’s true
Even without the reddit humor if you’re not >6’ you’re fucked.
we need a moment of silence for the pajeet race
Reminder these are the people who tell you to have sex
I got physically ill reading this shit
Why do redditors talk like this? Do they think it is normal? No wonder they are all losers irl.
his looks are above the average pajeet, why does he need to resort to this?
probably just had to much reddit and now believes social interactions are just a pretense for a possible boost in karma brownie points
If he got contacts instead of those hideous glasses and a decent haircut he'd actually be good looking. Can't help his cringy personality though
I fucking hate people like this fucking moron, le random joke so I can brag on the internet
He put in so much effort and the whore still manipulated him into making a fool of himself online.
I couldn't read past >make her feel like a queen
I might kill myself if I read the rest
The first line was funny and then it took a nosedive right into hard cringe
I love that they all demand you be charming and funny too while replying only with “lol” “haha” “hi” “okay” “yes/no”. It’s not even a tinder thing, I’ve yet to meet a woman IRL that could hold a conversation on her own. It’s like they’re fucking infants.
Make her lead the conversation faggot
>"ohMYgawd this chick is so annoying!11!"
>"yess!!! she's gossiping about me to others"
>what a bitch
>"I know right!! oh god user thanks for listening pls let me ride your dick"
>lol k
Do it. He talks about posting on reddit for upvotes at the end.
Is this what you have to do to get pussy?
Cannot be arsed at all desu.
I am not going to bend myself backwards for some woman thing.
some of them will do that when they're not into you but think you're into them and want you stop talking to them/lose interest
even le redditors are roasting him
At that point I’d rather just pay a hooker. At least she’d get a mouthful instead of the other way around.
This is why a 4/10 girl thinks she deserves a 10/10 chad which sucks her toes. Because these fucking losers put women on a pedestal.
This is how you become her best friend retard
More like this
some reason he posted it 3 times, I managed to archive one of the other posts.
>Upvotes? Here's a cringevote
>Make her feel like a queen
>Will listen to her gupshup no matter what
>Listen to her favourite K-pop artists
>I might post this on reddit haha
He's actually good looking. Not a Chad but with some decent patter he could easily shag.
>muh simps
Redditors are forcing the fuck out of that word
>SRSMen is an inclusive, safer space where toxic masculinity is deconstructed and men's issues are discussed from a feminist perspective.
I am lost for words.
This really shows that personality does matter.
He's not even bad looking, it's just that the way he behaves is completely unattractive to women.
He's not ugly but he's also not everyone's cup of tea.
I don't think it was his texting that mattered at all. If Chad behaved like that he'd get the pussy.
>This is your brain on reddit
wtf is his problem lol
I disagree. Women like guys that treat them like shit. I mean fuck, even Idris Elba got cheated on by his average wife and unknowingly raised a bastard for years.
We should just make rape legal, women have obscene power over men.