What's germany secret? how did they manage to control the virus?

what's germany secret? how did they manage to control the virus?

Attached: CYD3oEA.png (372x339, 12.95K)

Lying state propaganda, the same one that hides immigrant crime rates

gas chambers and industrial ovens


6 meter personal space diameter

same way they managed to "control" harmful emissions from VW cars

Their mortality rate sits above 3% there. This is either an indication of a very good testing program or low reporting of deaths.

90% of germany population are turk teenagers or handsome young black bvlls


They're lying/ fabricating the numbers like they always do (see VW scandal)


I don't live in germany bucko

It's pretty simple

Attached: k2w7hzais0q41.png (1600x1600, 312.28K)


All the scat has made them immune a long ime ago

unironically autism and a working health care system

>germany and us in the same tier
>U.S. still has the highest death rate
But my mutt brethren always told me that capitalism creates higher quality health care?

are u unironically bating?
your third world shit hole doesnt have universal healthcare and you wonder why you are so bad at handling this crisis?
you are either baiting or mentally braindead

Oh my god bro I am obviously being facetious. You germans more autistic than me and I'm a diagnosed autist who had actual spergouts as a teenager.

user, hes not baiting. american are that stupid.
their president literally told them to drink bleach...

He’s very clearly joking

Superior WHITE genetics

Imagine being so German you completely fail to detect sarcasm and jump on the first opportunity to bash the Amerikkkaner

Tests manufactures in their own country and much more tests per capita than other countries.

i wish

we have the same tests per capita

>anyone not dieing the same amount westerners die lies
pathetic coping weak immune system faggots, the rise of central europe is heralded by the chinese flu!

Germans don't exchange eachother's body fluids upon greeting unlike m*ds.

>Germ mans unaffected by germs
what did they mean by this

You're lucky the virus doesn't spread through fecal matter

It does, though.


Brazil at the top in a good graph, kek