The cowboys edition
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England is a Saxon country
for me it's 30k
It's becoming clearer and clearer that Paul of Tarsus was a false prophet. So many times his words contradict Christ's. Christ's word is the highest word, and Paul's is necessarily below his. Yet so many Pauline ideas have become part of the Christian canon. The fact that Paul is considered an Apostle when he never even met Jesus is suspicious enough.
I think it's time we cancel Paul.
is it weird that I miss bush
Started working at Tesco in the warehouse and there's some runt here that rushes about and does all the work lmao, like he looks proper angry all the time because I'm just stood there chatting on my phone.
state funding
you really are a stereotypical hand rubbing jew
thoughts on aquinas?
>just get someone else to babysit you and all the problems go away x
you're a mong.
what's the problem?
You should still pretend to work a bit so you dont get the sack lad
What are you all whinging about house prices for? You don't live in the south, do you?
very. In terms of policy he might be one of the most disastrous US Presidents ever, far far worse than Obama or Trump.
That's a very Jewish idea.
You can see when the floodgates opened under Blair.
Nah I wont get sacked. I'm just gonna let this runtoid do all of it.
Not logarithmic
He's alright
Anselm is better
the gnarled yellow hebrew talons pecking this nefariousness out
thoughts on system of a down?
people who whinge about automation are essentially just coping
Love this lockdown so much.
Need the government to implement rubber gimp suits and bondage gear for my safety next review.
nigger music
If it's Jewish to consider Jesus's law the highest law then I'll fully embrace that label because I believe it. I don't think we should ever consider Paul's word equal to God's
Hmm I wonder what he did that cause that hmmm yes
In the 90s, my pa was in his late 20's. My mum wasn't working.
He bought our family home, a 5 bed detached home with a detached double garage in the Home Counties for £120k.
It was last sold in 2015 for £600k.
dont care kike
just witnessed some racism outside of Yas Forums
>Why yes, I do have the COVIDSafe app on my phone
I only actually like a handful of their tracks but Aerials and Question! are absolutely bangers, Serj's vocals are insane on those tracks.
just witnessed some bitch shit inside of /brit/
>brits will NEVER, EVER be cowboys
It's unironically because the government conflate it's GDP by attaching it to house prices. Thus, house proces must only increase.
Image sharks with legs and land lungs
ahh yes a new application for 3 terrace houses built on some random plot of land behind betwixt some existing houses, a row of shops, and a small industrial estate
can just tell that this'll get refused on several grounds lol
sh-shut up.
Not letting the gubmint drain my battery
>yanks will never be privateers in the Spanish main
if I installed Grindr are lads still shagging despite lockdown?
that's a historical random plot of land
New Zealand says it has stopped community transmission of Covid-19, effectively eliminating the virus.
With new cases in single figures for several days - one on Sunday - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the virus was "currently" eliminated.
How can people be fat?
Yeah because I'm not Italian.
Local council will get extra money for selling the land plus all that new council tax from new dwellings don't be surprised.
Find yank cowboy larpers sad
based strong female leader
I downloaded at about 6:30 this morning and it's only used 1% of my battery. Some of that will be from screentime when I was setting it up.
business idea: all housing should be either detached housing with spacious gardens or high-rise flats. no exceptions.
Brits were the first cowboys.
Part of the problem
Country's fucked
Rent increase to 70% of earnings imminent
Meanwhile the UK is reaching the #1 spot for deaths in Europe, is doing a pathetic amount of testing, doing no contact tracing, can't afford PPE for our healthcare workers and is going to probably reach 200k deaths before numbers even start to fall.
Gays are probably spreading coronavirus on purpose the sick proto-nonce freaks
what is the neoliberal reason for wanting female leaders
does it increase profits
still feel really emotional after watching elephant man (1980) last night
Yeah but it's druggies and wogs dying.
yeah dude im such a cowboy living in suburbia
Utterly based anti-american and anti-consumerism band
to stick it to rorke
made a few good posts over the years i reckon, im more a quality over quantity man
Economy will recover quicker the more people die at this point
elephant man (1890) was hilarious
how is that good for the economy
I think it's mostly just used for fly tipping at the moment
oh we sold it ages ago lol
but the proposed access road is just silly and it's potentially affecting privacy for some of the residents and visual amenity bla bla bla
no it wasn't you sick bastard
Rorke loves r Maggie
Bet that fella's seen a few tigers in his lifetime
not my maggie
based neoliberal strong female leader
haha this is me
just like putting my hands to work until the work's down
can't imagine living life by coasting, but then again you do work at a tesco LMAO
Inside every white man is a Pay Piggy