Friend in Latvia is on the verge of suicide and is apparently living in abusive family but won't admit and call...

Friend in Latvia is on the verge of suicide and is apparently living in abusive family but won't admit and call whatever services that there are in Latvia. I know full name/location. What sources can I report that to if I'm not from Latvia? Anons, help.

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You're not cute

You're cute

>Verhinderung des Selbstmordes. — Es giebt ein Recht, wonach wir einem Menschen das Leben nehmen, aber keines, wonach wir ihm das Sterben nehmen: diess ist nur Grausamkeit.

>Was fällt, das soll man auch noch stossen!

That sounds serious, you shouldn't be asking for advice on a shitpost board. I think even Yas Forums would be more helpful.

I dunno where to ask really, I already did all I could in terms of googling various govt services and messaging them about that

You won't get an answer here. Try the Latvian subreddit

she then might see the post, and that's not really desirable


Try a Latvian discord server instead.

Are you completely sure she's actually suicidal? close to committing? Because callign the police or whatever to check her place is a pretty big step.
I'm not saying you shouldn't, just make sure you think this through. Which is why you should discuss it with some Latvians.

tell her to kill herself.

Contact Latvian police, ask them to say they got the tip from a neighbour or something

>Are you completely sure she's actually suicidal? close to committing?
She has like 7 previous attempts, so I'm fairly sure she is serious, and I don't want the 8th one to succeed.

>Contact Latvian police
That's what i'm probably gonna do, thanks

>commiting suicide
yeah man what if she sleeps on the bathroom floor next to an open bottle of sleeping pills? you better rescue her

>>Are you completely sure she's actually suicidal? close to committing?
>She has like 7 previous attempts, so I'm fairly sure she is serious, and I don't want the 8th one to succeed.
I really didnt know a ukrainian could be this fucking retarded

>She has like 7 previous attempts, so I'm fairly sure she is serious, and I don't want the 8th one to succeed.

Are you retarded? She's just an attentionwhore

cute cat didnt read

Her backstory and past doesn't make it seem like so whatsoever.

What fucking underaged subhuman takes a womans story without massive stacks of salt

Send her a big black dildo

don't be mean bros :( he's just concerned for his friend

>won't admit and call whatever services that there are in Latvia
implying there are any. I study in Latvia but the second the coronavirus got anywhere near here, i got ready to go back to Finland because oh god the healthcare is damn near nonexistent there.

Just let her die mate, why should you stop a person from the embodiment of her desire? Don't be an egoist

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>hes just simping for some scattered brain pussy

SIMPing for Latvians is based and redpilled, their women are unreal

If you ever reply to me again ill strangle you

This is true. Maybe OP can set me up with her sister.

btw OP, did you pussy out or did you call the cops?

>If you ever reply to me again ill strangle you

Attached: wööö.png (1200x857, 65.83K)

>implying that the only reason he can care about somebody's well being is because he's a simp
Christ I knew you Finns were cold but I didn't realize you were autists devoid of human emotion

Get off the site, whore