When will America invade their next country? It has been a long time now and they're itching for war...

When will America invade their next country? It has been a long time now and they're itching for war. Which country will they attack next? Do you support an expansionist NATO?

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Funny how the american is the only one without a gun. So much for their """""freedom""""" lmao.

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I hope we invade the US next.

>Funny how

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I dont think we are itching for a war desu

XD american rekt

Yes you are landlubber don't think we haven't noticed

uh no i think wars are pretty bad

Trump is not a neocon so probably not especially if we have another 4 years of him.

doesn't matter, you can't vote against it anyway

my guess is venezuela, iran is too big and they are running out of other evils without nukes

>Trump is not a neocon
UH UH UH UH UH HÅHÅHÅHHÅHÅHÅ have a look at this dude but what about him killing that Iranian general huh? Was that anti-interventionism?

I wonder how many Euroslags that black bvll fucked

>I dont think we are itching for a war desu
“I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one.” - Theodore Roosevelt

America is always itching for war

Attached: America is a force for peace.jpg (720x414, 117.56K)

why do you hate us so much? what did I ever do to you? this entire night you just post low effort bait against us. It hurts.

Theodore Roosevelt was a jingoist yeah but we aren't all jingoists.


Atleast 80, American minority soldiers are notorious for going to town if you catch my drift my mongol friend

Iran was asking for it user

>239 years
Inherently false.

Bruh, 93% of the time your country is at war. Sweden hasn't been at war for more than a hundred years.

don't take it personally, just stating facts about you are cunt

Not true. We sent our troops to Afghanistan to do the bidding of the NATO and where did it get us? If we're gonna be the bitch of NATO we might as well join it

>If we're gonna be the bitch of NATO we might as well join it
Hell no. Denmark and Norway should quit it instead.

There seems to be a growing anxiety and hatred toward China and its political culture. I feel like at this point we would enthusiastically intervene if the mainland attacked Taiwan.

Little known fact: most average Americans hate NATO and want to leave and focus on China.

>I feel like at this point we would enthusiastically intervene if the mainland attacked Taiwan.
And then what, nuclear holocaust? Genius.

Everything points at Venezuela specially after their most recent actions like declaring Maduro a wanted criminal for drug smuggling (same pretext used for Noriega when the Panama invasion happened in the late 80s). Also with Corona weakening their already shit economy even more, victory would in theory be easier compared to an Iran invasion

Face it we have to adapt to the new world and the NATO subhumans are the strongest

Lool good one

It didn’t lead to a war. It was obvious that it wouldn’t from the outset. Iran isn’t suicidal. Third rate powers like that don’t just challenge the US to open combat - if Trump were a neocon he would have used their token bombing of that Iraqi base as cassus bellum

What do you think about NATO Pekka?

China wouldn’t risk it based on their history

>Face it we have to adapt to the new world and the NATO subhumans are the strongest
I just want my country back. I'm not scared of ryssen.

That's stupid.

How would a dog operate a gun effectively?

It would be better to mantain status quo. Even China knows this, but keep the pretense of totally going to invade Taiwan in a couple of years. Only thing which would really trigger an invasion is if Taiwan abandons their ROC and becomes fully independent in the eyes of China (when they have been independent for more than half a century lmao), because the military treaties with US are only effective as long as Taiwan mantains its current status. This is why Tsai, despite being pro-independence, hasn’t been able to do shit about it.

Army is for homos especially those who join it willingly. I know because I served. You wouldn't believe how much gay sex is going on there, now more than ever with grindr and shit.
Gay sex has always been part of military tradition, it's not just seen has gay, just brotherhood and shit


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As a security policy armchair expert I think sweden and finland should cut the bullshit, establish joint air force and navy, keep armies national and lastly develop nukes, both conventional and cyber

Russia isn't a pussy like the USA, you try pulling that shit and you'll be leveled in your autistic bunkers

Based armchair expert

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SeeBut irl Nato membership is a more realistic choice.

Our PM is a greedy shameless man who said that it will be easier to increase cooperation if you buy our Gripen planes. He's probably paid off by manufacturers. But yeah I agree

Is America supposed to defend Europe forever? Even Republicans see through the scam now. Before 2060, sither we leave or a more traditional protectorate relationship will be set up.

Our last commander in chief was a lobbyist for lockheed martin lmao. Just shows how high up the corruption goes in defence industry

>Is America supposed to defend Europe forever?
We are not in NATO

Yes, its a cut throat game. Last time in the 90s the french tried to blackmail the finnish gov with blocking Finlands EU membership unless they pick the Mirage

Well then they better sit down

It’s way beyond Taiwan at this point. China represents the most dangerous challenge to American hegemony of the last 40 years. Brinkmanship is usually the American go-to strategy when challenged. I’d expect the US to respond to China with a “fists up, you punch first” posture; especially if Trump wins re-election.