What do you think of when you see this image

what do you think of when you see this image

Attached: 1753-004-4D3D8CC1.jpg (600x436, 39.58K)

awful colors
too much contrast
maybe i'm autistic

Home baking.

Synagogue of Satan


Sad that that star isn't replaced with a glorious cross.

It makes Yas Forumstards mad so I don't mind it

Shahar's unibrow (pbuh)

Ah yes, that is indeed quintessential to Ashkenazi cuisine.

Attached: AP_19077450698496.jpg (2048x1365, 522.12K)

greatest nation on earth

Attached: 1575604750712.jpg (710x742, 159.5K)

Home :)

It makes Yas Forumstards mad so I like it

Murderers of folke bernadotte.

based 40chad

Attached: 1441130484959s.jpg (232x249, 11.4K)


Attached: 1587706949514.jpg (891x597, 34.13K)

Arab shithole larping as civilized

Oven baking?

what do 2 bands of blue represent?
Why not just a hexagram?

The Euphrates and the Nile rivers of Iraq and Egypt, which the kikes plan to conquer the land between and convert into Greater Israel.

my overlords :)

comes from a garment Jews wear for prayer called Tallit

Attached: Western_Wall_-_by_Jacob_Rask.jpg (1024x768, 185.71K)

Millions of innocent Palestinians massacred.


Aelia Capitolina

this guy

Attached: Yosef.jpg (800x446, 45.08K)

This pic

Attached: 509.png (1069x557, 64.65K)

A bunch of filthy s*mites


six gorillion

The Shatkona represents both the male and female form, as a symbol of the divine union of masculine and feminine and as source of all creation; more specifically it is supposed to represent Purusha (the supreme being), and Prakriti (mother nature, or causal matter).