They're not even wearing masks. America was right, open up the fucking businesses already.
Sweden is proof that lockdowns are retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
I see cute boys with masks everyday
Niggas been saying for over a month Sweden will collapse any day now. Lmao
Bill Gates threw shade at us
Muh glorious Sweden
This such a retarded theory. You know Japan tried the same denialism and infections got so bad that for the first time a nation wide stage of emergency was declared for at least a month and its healthcare system is about to completely collapse.
>trusting the people known to hide rapefugee murders with reporting coronadeaths
They're in a constant brainwashed state believing everything is fine in their country even before the crisis began. Trusting Swedes is unironically like trusting Chinese state propaganda
Honestly this whole thing has made me lose complete faith in the western world. People unironically think hiding in their homes and hoarding supplies is considerate and not entirely cowardly.
The lockdowns will literally cause more deaths globally than covid tenfold:
Yeah and in the end we will have a similar death, if Sweden's healthcare system doesn't collapse and it hasn't shown any signs. No one has died in Sweden because they didn't get a hospital bed
ew, post the updated end of april one
We don't need the Swedes to tell us the fucking obvious. These quarantine measures are designed to tank the economy for the upcoming war with Iran.
t. butthurt for having 1/3 of all corona cases in the world
Half of the deaths are from nursing homes in Binlan at leaset. Think about it
this, it's just about time to start a new war i hope we dont default in the process
Not a single country reliably keeps track of and publishes Corona deaths.
Sweden’s healthcare system doesn’t seem to be overwhelmed. What you oMG sTayInSidE redditfags don’t understand is that flattening the curve isn’t meant to eliminate the virus which is impossible, it’s to slow it so we we don’t have everyone using the hospital at once. We’re all gonna get it eventually.
Iceland tested a bigger proportion of population than any other country. Over 50% were asymptotic. A recent study by researchers at Stanford university, USA suggests that the death rate is lower than that of flu. Anyone who died while infected was marked as a corona death in Italy. If you were an asymptotic carrier and you died in a car crash, the media would’ve reported it as a young man with no pre-existent conditions dying due to the virus.
“if“ but it does not even remotely look that way
So what? Everyone in the society will get infected eventually. It's only matter of time. Then you better keep running the economical activities.
Social media pre-covid:
>haha ok boomer day of the pillow when?
Social media post-covid:
I unironically no longer trust 95% of the population to make rational decisions. It’s like they’re all too pussified to say what we’re all thinking: boomers deserve to die.
>wE'rE ALl goNNa GeT iT EvenTualLy
Like we all get sick of the flu every season you retarded fucking mutt
Just let them die. There done.
...just. Let. Them. Die.
Das right. In my province around 500k people there's just 5 covid patient in hospital. This is getting ridiculous. Some people are even demanding more restrictions. I blame the media they've been fearmongering non-stop for over a month
1. spread a virus
2. quarantine people so they don't protest
3. tank the economy to have a justification to destroy an enemy you've been de facto at war with for 40 years
4. ...
5. Profit!
Murrican logic.
I am Japanese. I am not bothered to read this article. What's the point of it?
already debunked its painfully obvious stanford is a "tobacco is healthy" tier "university"
dutch, czech and slovene testings show the opposite, lol even the NY mass test tells otherwise
>fake covid deaths
while china doesnt report the millions of deaths according to your mentally ill ilk, make up your mind evil angloid subhuman
This is wrong. 50% were asymptotic at the time of testing but more than half would develop symptoms
how's that ching-chong cock taste my shitalian friend?
how was yesterday copper-stealing sunday my gypsy friend?
What he said is true flattening the curve isn't to eradicate the virus but not to overwhelm the healthcare system, what's happening now hospitals more empty than normal because people are scared to go there.
Swedish style has been good so far for them. Not every country need lockdowns every country is different
tastes like szechuan sauce, way batter than the moltitude of tigani cocks you fags swallowa day in and day out, how's your daily dose georgi?
as long as the majority of their immigrants die then it can be deemed a success
At some point you’ve got to shift blame away from the media and blame the population as a whole when so many people are completely lost in delusions. Instead of accepting that a minute number of old people will die they’d rather have the global economy become even more of an oligarchy:
Trump's vaccine is working.
Then why the hell are people dropping like flies in New York, Spain and Italy?
>80% of fatalities are 70+ yo
strong young BVLLS are mostly unaffected