>graduate with bachelors degree
>can't get a job because everywhere wants a masters degree
>apply to masters program
>denied because don't have enough work experience
>can't get work experience without masters
How is the university and job hunting situation in your country, Yas Forumsbros?
Graduate with bachelors degree
Bachelors degree in what?
African American studies
you don't know how to sell yourself
stop believing the paper is necessary
my nigga
Degree in what? What are your projects? Did you do an internship anytime during your undergrad?
Technical communication and writing
Working part time because my university want me to have part time work experience for co-op
I have a slot vacant for cfo in my company. Please lead us based kang
Are you a Pajeet on student visa? Didn't even locals had to fulfill that criteria
SeeDid lots of basic website stuff using HTML/CSS but I can't do any coding beyond that. Did technical writing and proposal writing and did content writing for a website as an internship.
Places just don't want a bachelors. It's so oversaturated, everyone wants a masters now that a bachelors is the new high school diploma
Get a job at some random factory or retail store, you've signed your fate, and the only good that's worth is being considered for promotion over some guy who doesn't have his GED
you should shoot up your school
I became a union tradie
That means you can be King Nigga of da hood.
Nope, a gook. I think it's specific to my school.
Doing what? Redpill me on trades
you're supposed to do internships
>but I don't want to work for free
yeah well, it's a shit sandwich
this will be me in 3 months in a country that is going to have an expected 20-25% unemployment after corona. It doesnt get any better elsewhere, degrees are worth dogshit now.
They do unpaid internships in Europe? Seems like something Europe would cry hard about
absolute sick cunt
So what's your plan, Spainbro? Any idea?
Nigga technical writing is a saturated market. It's even worse than software. At least in software you can start your own shit if you are good enough. Html/Css will not get you anything. Now that we are stuck at home, I'd suggest you learn web dev or at least front end and ux design to go along with your content writing degree. Do not go for a masters without work exp. If you can't get hired in big companies then look for smaller start ups. Attend a lot of career fairs and seminars once the lockdown is over. You have to network your ass off in your field, you won't get hired if you apply to 4 companies a month and call it quits.
>They do unpaid internships in Europe?
most don't, I'm sure you could find or arrange one though
the catch is though you do it while studying and if it's paid they basically expect you to go work for them after you're done your degree since it's basically work training, not that you are actually obliged to or anything
many universities have departments for setting up internships and stuff so they can brag about their "employed after finishing a degree" statistics
become a oilfield engineer and make retarded sums of money for doing really basic shit like routine maintenance and fixing shit. im 24 with just an associates and bs in compsci (dont fucking use it lol) making 65 dollars and hour.
Basically I wanted to be a lawyer, so I majored in English and writing as being a lawyer is literally just reading and writing. But then I realized that law school in the US is an enormous scam that will financially fuck up your life. 250k in debt for the degree and low salaries after.
So I dropped that idea and now I'm stuck with this shit degree. That's why I want to do a masters
probably apply to a masters degree next year, untill then ill be living as a neet or maybe ill work in the orange harvest season
Definitely go for a masters but not right now. Work for a couple of years and get the required experience. Pay off your student loan from your undergraduate first. Work experience goes a long way after completing masters
>orange harvest season
Is that shitty work? Tell me more. I think Spain is so cool but it's so foreign to me.
If you get a masters will your job prospects be significantly better? Or are you just doing to get out of Spain and work somewhere else?
I don't have any debt, that's why I'm eager to start the masters. Basically, I guess I'll just work wherever and then do a masters.