Can our neighbours stop seething at us? Thank you.
Can our neighbours stop seething at us? Thank you
For real, I feel like we are surrounded by enemies.
I have my fathers AK ready
why doesn't Croatia conquer Bosnia it would make your borders look much nicer
>why doesn't Croatia conquer Bosnia it would make your borders look much nicer
Because it is filled with Bosnians, I really can't blame them.
Not just "Bosnians", but s*rvs as well
We could handle muslims easily, but s*rvs would make the biggest trouble. They are probably the lowest iq nation in Europe
go away nazi
thank you for still using the toad i made
>Croatia was only in a personal union with Hungary, not a part of it
>Croatia was never Turkish
>the Croats are descended from Sarmatians and Visigoths
>Croatian is a language
and now we can add the latest delusion to the list:
>our neighbours seethe at us
what is it with Croats and delirious imaginings?
Why don't you just genocide them
Oh wait...
enjoy your coastline untill while you can, we will back soon
Why are Croatians from modern day Croatia such soyboys? I swear that a zoomer from Hercegovina has more pride and joy in being Croatian than the entire region of Slavonia.
>They are probably the lowest iq nation in Europe
Bre, there's a reason why you joke about the bosnjaks. They're not that clever either.
Anyhow you're all far below the Slovenes.
>I swear that a zoomer from Hercegovina has more pride and joy in being Croatian than the entire region of Slavonia.
That's because Slavonijans are based regionalists who simply don't trust Z*greb soyboys to fix anything.
what? who in croatia says we are descended from Sarmatians and Visigoths, or that some of our parts were not conquered by Turks?
>Croatia was only in a personal union with Hungary, not a part of it
this one is true unfortunatelly
>Croatian language
youre just bitter about this one
fuck off zlovenian
you are just Croats from the Alpes
when were you here in the first place?
>youre just bitter about this one
Why would the Slovenes be bitter about having their own language instead of speaking the same language as the Serbs like you do?
because all of the Slovene girls speak Croatian to us when they come here for summer vacation and for some good time they cant get at home
you guys were allied with muslims in ww2 and had a country together. why do you hate Bosnians now?
>Why are Croatians from modern day Croatia such soyboys?
I agree. Our nation is full of faggots today with no national pride. When I was young, everyone was Ustashe
Now, kids are watching serbian youtubers being their role models, typing "brotherhood" comments, no one is watching Dinamo games anymore.
Its sad man
>why do you hate Bosnians now?
we literally saved their country from the serbs in the 90s, just so they call us agressors as well
Get with the times, dumb boomer.
>Croatia was only in a personal union with Hungary, not a part of it
>Croatia was never Turkish
Some parts were occupied, but correct.
>the Croats are descended from Sarmatians and Visigoths
Visigoths, no. Iranic peoples, possibly.
>Croatian is a language
>our neighbours seethe at us
No, we were in the Partisans. And Bosnians are just plain dumb dumb. Why would Croatia who can't get its own shit right want to annex a country that's even worse at getting its shit right?
>Now, kids are watching serbian youtubers being their role models, typing "brotherhood"
Nooooo you can't like srbs they are orthodox!!!!!!! Hrvats and Srbs don't mix, we are two completely different peoples because muh religion that I don't care about anyway!!!!
im just larping around, serb. There is nothing more Id wish here than peace in the Balkans. Croatians were always a peaceful nation
What are you doing in Sweden?
i like the balkans seems like an interesting place. I'd like to learn your language one day and visit would be nice but unfortunately I'm a manlet and would get mogged on every corner. I'm starting to get conscious about that
>we are two completely different peoples
We literally are.
ah i see sorry I'm stupid bros
>"Iranic peoples"
So gypsies?
Croatia is one of the safest countries in Europe, there is literally no "red-zones" like in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, UK etc. check out our crime statistics!
I visited every Balkan country, which ones would you like to visit in particular?
Success breeds jealousy Hrvat, surely you understand that.