What is the most disturbing thing you have ever seen?
What is the most disturbing thing you have ever seen?
I once had to chase down a girl in a city because she was having a panic attack, this was at night. She ran track in highschool and she was raped once so she would just hallucinate and shit and run away from me and my friends who were trying to help her.
If you raped her for real nobody would believe her
Jesus christ user fuck off
please be my e-gf
Have sex femcel
yeah it was crazy. it was me my guy friend and one other girl. she would literally stop randomly in the street, we would catch up to her, calm her for a bit, and then she would literally just start running again. this took like an hour.
This you missed the opportunity
>chasing a girl that's freaking out about rape at night time
I'm surprised some guy didn't misunderstand the situation and try to rough you up.
Did the south just not get any proper education on this sort of shit? It seems like these retards are constantly posting their blatant racism online. I'm from a union state and remember watching some shit in elementary that even went over the whole black doll dilemma and how black kids would say they're uglier than the white ones. How deaf must you be to casually post this online?
Damn, rape is fucked up in so many levels.
Well, that is the definition of rape.
Pretty much everything from the day I was borned
Saw a cat being run over once when i was a little kid , it's brains got splattered all over the place
Maybe the white under the skin of my knee.
Rekt threads
When I was a kid I had an open fracture of my arm and my parents told me that I was completely neutral. Never cried, never got scared, never screamed. It hurt, but thought that it wasn't a thing worth crying for.
I mean the other videos are fine, but some reason, I just can’t bring myself to watch beheading videos.
well i went to Stockholm for the first time in ages this January, it was quite horrifying.
this vile little goblin
i wish I could kick it in the head
her panic attack would've stopped if you stopped trying to help her you sperg
no it isn't dipshit
And she would have ran miles off into the city at night and alone, stop being a dumbfuck
why's he so small wtf
give us the full story or else you're a dipshit white knight
Ok you faggot here goes: I live in a college town in a frat and I was volunteering driving sober on a friday night for drunk people in the frat. at one point I had a break at like 11pm, so I watched Game of Thrones with my friend and his two friends who are girls from this sorority. Little did I know, one of these girls used to date someone in our fraternity a year ago, before he joined. Apparently he was very rough with her. So at like midnight I get a call to drive someone and I take it, and when I come back to the fraternity I see my two friends trying to calm her down. The guy friend wants me to get her in my car so I can drive her back to her sorority house. But she thinks her ex boyfriend is following her, so she starts to run away off in the city. So we chase her for a long time, catch up to her, and then she runs again. We finally catch her a 3rd time and are able to get her in my car so we can drive her back. At her sorority house her friends calm her down. Me and my guy friend go home.
Don't care mate.
you cared enough to reply
Exactly, only enough to reply.
why did you go out of your way to say you dont care?
Don't know... help me...
whats wrong?
Everything feels so cold...
sorry bro :>(