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This it's a Latin language and Latins are fucking degenerates
Non ptdr, il peut aller se pendre, ce gros Candaule, il s'appelle louis cachet et il viens dire de pas parler français ... Il a un nom plus français que moi.
>conquering = immigrating
ok varg
French girls are PERF.
i wonder if anyone even cares about this retard still
>is a literal immigrant
>won’t learn the language of the country he immigrated to because it’s an immigrant language
Varg posting should be a bannable offense at this point. Posting him automatically ousts you as underaged.
Protip: Occitan is just Vulgar Latin mixed with whatever Celtic languages were spoken in southern France before the Romans showed up. Occitan used to be called "Roman" and Occitans used to call themselves "Romans".
Spotted the underaged
Non, elle n'est pas française, mais québécoise.
Accent de merde.
Varg is cringe but this take is based, fuck French it sounds gross as balls.
>Nooo, I won’t learn the language the country I came to, and in general everything here is wrong with you, the local population are bastards, but I'm not like them
A typical immigrant.
J'te l'fais pas dire, wesh. Non mais, ce qu'il craint un max ce mec.
>hey varg why dont you get a job and contribute to society?
>BECAUSE the ROMANS killed the GAULS
meds, once again, BTFO
I hope someone murders Varg so he'll shut the fuck up already.
Ta gueule, criss de sans-dessein!
for meg? bokmål med ochlo-dialekt
Reminder that thus nigga pulled a qt autist while y'all still looking at tranny porn.
at least our language doesn't resemble the sounds of deepthroating your small-dicked uncle like French does, you might not like what i say but it's facts.
1. your cunt
2. are you legitimising the foreign takeover of europe
1. australia
2. YES
Can we agree France attracts the worse immigrants.
I hope a native American will murder your brown mutt family
Yes the Romans are shit kraut
Says the Russian immigrant who complains about discrimination in Baltic countries
He's not an immigrant leaf
Most languages in Europe are immigrant languages from the Proto-Indo-Europeans. Let’s only speak Pre-IE and Pre-finno-ugric languages.
Noru omoru u uccupu, numu eu u! Cufu unumunu muunu oumu munu.
he literally married some uggo-ass prison groupie that has more self-diagnosed mental illnesses than an american transsexual.
>i am european
This he's right Maoris deserve New Zealand back
I am from Italy and don't view Varg as a local nor do I think his home is or should be in Italy
What's so cringe about being European gay swede ?
they signed a treaty with the british so nah its all g
>Says the Russian immigrant who complains about discrimination in Baltic countries
I understand you refused to take your meds again this afternoon, is that true?
hes scandinavian, not e*ropean
No, it's okay because I'm 0.1% native American
It's not true, the anglos are liars who still control these Maoris
Oh look it's another babby dick retard talking shit on the internet, get a life pekka ;)
Oh, nevermind
Ëumë ëu nupu cëdu mënuëu drëu ulëu. Ëvchëu!
Varg is literally the most retarded human alive. I hope he gets cancer
Mutts are the most retarded people on the planet I hope they get nuked
Thankfully I'm 100% sure he doesn't consider us as Europe so he will never come here.
what a nigger