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that's not how a bell curve works

antarctica be kiddin me!

that's how it works in brit

it was made by yanks, of course it's wrong

choo choo chooooooooon

Fucking TUNE


drinking phoenix beer from mauritius



uuuh, rare ?


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its so fucking cold, hands and feet are fucking freezing

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apocalypse now reference innit

where is this? so mild in sydney city

This lady posted a thread on reddit about how her teenage daughter wouldn't stop talking to groomers online, they literally took her phone away and put her in therapy for six months then as soon as she got her phone back she was talking to some 50 year old guy


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Unironically the more I lift the less I like asian women and the more I like Latina women

What the fuck is going on I want to have yellow fever but I can’t now

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13C is cold

I don't need to look at the flag to know it was made by an American

well it's certainly sleeves weather, not sure its cold though

reddit user for a mother makes a lot of sense

Their fault for raising her to be dysfunctional. Dad probably raped her

my hands are freezing using the keyboard

/fr/ is a brainlet pedos general.

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anime foot lad is from victoria

it later come out that she was sexually abused as a 3 year old by a family friend

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im from canberra originally and it used to get like -10 overnight there sometimes

hot drink lad, british hands are always warm. keeps our hearts cold.

thats just the elevation

There we go

can get quite frigid and bitter in this country I must admit

shall be running the air conditioner at 18 degrees tonight

Mind if the lads hype up my new thread a bit? Teehee

just realised master chief is in this, based

In an 18 page guideline, the Centre has advised what the optimum temperature of air conditioner and coolers should be amid the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

Here's what Centre's latest advisory says:


According to the advisory, the temperature of the home-run air conditioner (AC) should be between 24-30 degrees Celcius. While using ACs at homes, Centre says the humidity should be between 40-70 per cent.

"Recirculation of cool air by room air conditioners must be accompanied by outdoor air intake through slightly open windows and exhaust by natural exfiltration," the advisory says.

The advisory suggests that the rooms should be kept ventilated even when ACs are not running. "As an extra precaution the frequency of service can be increased".

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pistol and shotgun combo in halo; combat evoled the GOAT

wondering why someone reposted my image to /cum/ if youre still here fuck off

Nigga it’s colder in Florida

thoughts on slowthai?

>temperature of the home-run air conditioner (AC) should be between 24-30 degrees Celcius
you what now

good lad


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dermal fillers to fill out the eye trough. will look revitalised


Big choon

Temperatures hitting 40


already had a hot chocolate
did the trick but i dont wanna get fat drinking liters of milk and i dont drink coffee

have a bloody tea and coffee mate simple as

Shortchads are desired more by attractive women

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hiphop clone #3859

stone island looks shit, dumb looking jackets. almost any outdoors brand makes better looking jackets. so sick of every1 trying to be urban lols

tea smells nice but i hate the watery texture
coffee and indeed all caffeine is for retards


>room mates are up
What the fuck are they doing up at this time? I just wanted some peace and quite.

saw this fella coming out of a public toilet behind coles in belmont and it fucking stank the street out

He’s OK

just be yourself

quite what?


cooks good food though

Don't be a goose

I don't give a fuck about spelling, I give a fuck about the fact now I'm stuck in my room these these posh cunts spend about an hour making their breakfasts. Fucking topping it with berries and shit.