Do you think it's even possible to make a good life out of being an English teacher, assuming you had:
>A good passport
>No criminal record
>Bachelor's degree
>TEFL and/or CELTA certification
If so, which countries? Mainly SEA or China? What about Japan, Taiwan, or Korea? When I say "good life", I don't mean rich as fuck. I mean middle to upper-middle class, similar to Western countries.
Is it's possible to make a career out of being an English teacher?
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KYS Gaijin
>Jewish Americans fear Leafy educators
No it's just they're all losers.
"English teachers" are a fucking joke in Asia. Get an actual job.
English teachers can't even get middle class lives in their own countries what do you think they'll have it any better in a third world shithole?
Have sex incel
>No it's just they're all losers.
that's why I was asking if it was possible, retard. I could expand the question to teaching more than just meme English.
I don't know how bad it's gotten in boganland, but Canadian teachers make good money with great benefits.
>english teaching
English teachers are literal expendable monkeys that can be replaced in a matter of seconds because theres an infinite supply of weebs
There’s a difference between being a real teacher and an English teacher. The TEFL market is going to be in dire straits after Coronavirus.
Please don’t look at TEFL as a career choice. It’s a good break from the real world for a few years, but a dead end career.
>English teachers are literal expendable monkeys
>Unqualified teachers are literal expendable monkeys
The tentative plan is to be a TEFL teacher for a year or two, then consider whether or not I want to get an actual license in Canada. With a degree, experience, CELTA/TEFL cert, AND a teaching license, you could probably make teaching English (or subjects in English) into a career. Look at pic. A quick search tells me that I could make RMB20k+ per month teaching world history in English. That's like CAD$50,000 per year PLUS housing and a ton of other shit.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Kill yourself.
But before you do that, go teach English in Asia, realize what a mistake you've done, then kill yourself.
Actually, remember I posted this before you do it. Then finally do it.
No one cares. Have sex, and have it now, or just KYS.
English teacher is the ultimate state of degeneracy and humiliation.
Surprise, Japs don’t care about getting qualified teachers. Why do you think they’re so shit at English?
I’m sort of in a similar boat to you, but I don’t think I’d ever want to do teaching as a career choice.
I did the CELTA and was planning on going to Korea this year before the pandemic. I personally wouldn’t ever consider China, especially in the current climate. Pay rates and benefits have been declining and will continue to decline across Asia in the coming years.
My fallback plan is probably returning to the legal sector if my personal projects aren’t successful.
>posts proof
Pedro is just jealous that those raysists in China won't hire his huehue ass, huh?
>Have sex, and have it now, or just KYS.
Holy fuck is Yas Forums really full of incels that think about Asian pussy 24/7? Sad!
>English teacher is the ultimate state of degeneracy and humiliation.
He's so mad.
>Why do you think they’re so shit at English?
Because the Japanese gov doesn't put money into English programs?
>I personally wouldn’t ever consider China
Yea the current political environment isn't conducive to waiguoren having a good time. It flares up like this every few years.
>Pay rates and benefits have been declining and will continue to decline across Asia in the coming years
I've heard the complete opposite from some teachers I talk to. They say that SK and Japan are stagnant, but China is still (pre-corona) going strong and SEA, especially Viet, is popping off for TEFL.
Mate I'm sad for you.
I am unironically on your side. Disregard the Chimpanzilian and the other monkeys, listen to this mutt, Chang:
They’d jealous that you get to live outside of the Anglisphere because you have the patience and people skills to do so in a pleasant or at least straightforward manner - teaching English and getting laid for it, I mean paid for it. You’re awesome and again, don’t listen to the other monkeys
China will always have stronger demand by virtue of it having at least a 10x higher population than any of the other Asian countries in the market.
My advice is to look at Reddit’s TEFL board. Post Coronavirus though, I think we’re at a turning point with China. Working there in any capacity is going to be risky.
Speaking your native language is not a skill, mate. Acquire a skill and some self respect.
I recommend teaching English in a former Soviet state.
>Belarus, Ukraine etc
The pay won't be great, but it will be liveable, and people won't think you're a 28 year old virgin with an autistic obsession with anime
>Because the Japanese gov doesn't put money into English programs?
>he doesn't know about JET
Its the biggest English teaching program funded by the government and they've dedicated it to hiring unqualified monkeys from overseas. The only requirement to work is having a degree in anything.
>Mate I'm sad for you
You're sad that I'll get to travel the world and make pretty good money from a meh-difficulty job? That, should I want to, I can buff up my credentials and make REALLY good money instead of pretty good money? Are you sure you're sad that I'll be doing this, and not that you'll still be in Arkansas sharting up the marts as your country falls apart?
There is great skill involved in teaching
Still me leaf, just enjoy your night and listen to others who have followed this path. Don’t listen to those haters, they are jealous they could not do something as obvious and yet not-easy as teach English. Literally jealousy from everyone else
>Reddit’s TEFL board
That's a good resource. There's a discord linked that's good too.
>Working there in any capacity is going to be risky
Could be. I think that there's a distinct possibility that things actually get better when you consider the consistent (and growing) demand and the shrinking supply of willing and qualified teachers. Might be wishful thinking, but I've still got ~8 months to scope the situation before I make a decision.
>Being certified as highly literate in you native language is not a skill
Ok, Hans.
I would actually way prefer to live somewhere in post-Soviet Europe but the pay is really trash.
>and people won't think you're a 28 year old virgin with an autistic obsession with anime
Imagine not having a career by 28. Imagine watching anime.
Paying some unqualified retard a barely livable salary =/= heavily investing in English learning infrastructure. It's the biggest bc weebs are willing to work for nothing if they get to live in glorious Nipponu. Unless it was at a Canadian international school and several years in the future, I'd never teach in Japan. I could just visit from wherever I was if I wanted to.
based niggaposter
Thamks burger. Didn't expect such vitriol from Yas Forums when asking about living and working abroad.
You do realize this argument just looped back to prove my very first statement is right? English teachers being expendable monkeys
It's not, it's what's expected of a non-mentally disabled human being.
French engineer living in Korea here
ESL teachers are single handly destroying european's reputation in Korean and Japan.
90% of all white people here are retarded ESL losers, and don't get it wrong: they are considered scum and pervert by the general population here. I fucking hate you guys, because most of you are coming here straight to taste the tight asian pussy, and everyone knows it. Japan and Korea attracts the worst the West has to offer, and because of this they start disliking foreigners more and more
It's simple: everytime I meet someone knew, EVERYTIME, I tell them in less than 10 second that I am no ELS teacher. Their attitude completly change upon hearing this.
Ohne Ironie, wie kann ein Zweiundzwanziger sich nützlich machen? Btw. in Deutschland und um deinem Land zu dienen. Ich ‚kann‘ Deutsch, zumindest unvorstellbar mehr als mein durchschnittlicher Mitbürger. Ich muss jetzt schlafen aber in etwa sieben Stunden lese deine Antwort mit Vergnügen.
Das alles wird schnell unlustig, mit der Uni vorbei und der Traum von einem europäischen Leben noch unerfüllt. Grüße aus Klappland, sei gesichert
No, it looped back to prove what I said:
>English teachers are literal expendable monkeys
>Unqualified teachers are literal expendable monkeys
Being competent enough to read twitter =/= being able to read, write, and effectively teach others to do so.
>most of you are coming here straight to taste the tight asian pussy
My God, again with the incel rhetoric. My last girlfriend was Asian. I can get laid in Canada without literally uprooting my life and moving across the planet. You don't think some of these people are going abroad to see what another place in the world is like for a few years? What is Yas Forums for if not discussing other cultures? What's more, I even mentioned beefing up my qualifications so that I could work in an international school instead of a scuffed hagwon.
Why would they hire qualified English teachers which cost more, when they have an infinite supply of unqualified weebs that the government has invested money into?
>Why would they hire qualified English teachers which cost more
Because qualified teachers are better educators?
Japan doesn't care about that. If they did they wouldn't still be running their biggest program JET and they wouldn't be so bad at English.
> My God, again with the incel rhetoric
Havent read this thread, and Im not talking specifically about you. I just tell you how is it here
> You don't think some of these people are going abroad to see what another place in the world is like for a few years?
This is litteraly me, what the fuck are you talking about
If you have more specific question you can ask them out.
I've lived in Japan and Korea, and all I can say is that it is definitely possible to become an ESL teacher in Korea and Japan. Considering how utterly retarded the average ESL teacher is, I would even say it is very possible. You will however be looked down upon by pretty much everyone, because locals see this job as a litteral scum's profession
Anyway, AMA, I guess
Language learning happens through input immersion, teachers are providing near zero-value to the process aside from the hour of input they give. Thankfully people are starting to wise up to this scam.