>Bolsonaro's government is literally politically dead due to firing his most popular anti-corruption minister for investigating his sons over corruption >Embraer-Boeing fusion dead >Liberalization and privatization of the economy dead due to coronavirus >pro-EU social democrats gaining ground everywhere >Pope Francis makes a call to the Amazon catholic leaders about the coronavirus, undermining coronadeniers pro-US pentecostals in the region
It actually feels good to finally get over this nightmare
you haven't seperated from us, you've just seperated from the shit part of us.
you just left the matrix. welcome.
Josiah Brown
This actually makes me really happy. Not only that Brazil will be saved but its people along with their souls as well. I hope you guys start killing cia funded evangelicals (all of them) next.
>Bolsonaro's government is literally politically dead due to firing his most popular anti-corruption minister for investigating his sons over corruption
How is this a problem? very trumpian "drain the swamp" move
Dylan Moore
yes the bolso is just following his idol's lead
Aiden Rodriguez
He only told you a part of it, he fired the "hero" of brazilian justice (judge that jailed Lula) and in charge of that he used a friend of his family so he could manipulate the investigations.
We have around 150k brazilians here and your nordeste diáspora its way worse than ours
Kayden Richardson
said minister is a lot more popular than bolsonaro himself, in fact without him he probably would've never been elected
Aiden Ross
Numbers don't lie, you're the one flooding us Manoel,stop complaining, we accept you all without bitching about it
Kayden Lee
>fired the "hero" of brazilian justice he resigned in protest and accused bolso of faking his signature to fire the police chief which is just as damaging
Mason Butler
Wow. Hue revolution when?
Thomas Ramirez
the pots and pans are already banging as we speak
Gabriel Young
If he didn't resign he was going to get sacked anyways or just destroy his entire name and career.
Not gonna happen, Brazil already made an impeachment 4 years ago and other in 95. Let the retard end his time in charge, he will do even more dumb stuff during the next 2 years
Jason Hill
Adam Brown
>Let the retard end his time in charge, he will do even more dumb stuff during the next 2 years I don't think the rest of the government would even want him to last one more year
Henry Edwards
he's bleeding followers on social media for all that's worth