Attached: 1576179292329.jpg (1144x1600, 250.99K)
Landon Martin
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Howard
Isaiah Rivera
about to go smoke some weed on my porch
Tyler Robinson
business idea: synthetic wood
Kayden Nguyen
are you an incel if you don't talk to women because you're scared of them?
Josiah James
still can't believe he's gone
Isaac Morgan
It's always in this order.
Alexander Thompson
just remembered this gem
Camden Diaz
>are you an incel if you don't talk to women because you're scared of them?
Zachary Morales
That's how I ended up a 23 year old kissless virgin so yeah I guess.
Daniel Martinez
from worst to best i assume?
Leo Foster
Ayden Clark
uncle acid and the deadbeats
Sebastian Long
Someone wrote faggot in my little workout scribble journal
I don’t even know who it was lmao
Adrian Reyes
Get a nice Jewish girl. Nothing to be afraid of with them
Isaac Lopez
Self important wanker
Asher Murphy
wouldnt it be
New Zealand
Austin Sanchez
Justin Taylor
jewisg boobibies
Nathaniel Moore
it was me x
Isaac Foster
based me too
Nathaniel Gonzalez
William, it was really nothing
Jonathan Wilson
Cooper Howard
It looks like he's aged 10 or 15 years.
Jonathan Peterson
from rising star of the canadian NDP to bestselling author to reclusive druggie
quite a life
Jack Gonzalez
return the rings!
Hudson Gomez
kiwis are universally loved, except by australians
Colton Jackson
Dated a Jewish girl once. She had a hairy arsehole and she constantly twisted and turned when she slept. Never again.
Cooper Collins
wish Abbey was my wife
David Scott
is this 5'8 lad lachlan
Ryan Myers
bank says I can borrow up to $495k for a home. still aiming for $400k max thanks
Lucas Hill
James Reyes
is this that guy that does all the videos with the physically disabled people
Christian Moore
wonder what state his brain is in
Ethan Morgan
I want Emma Watson to fart whilst sitting on my face.
Jonathan Ortiz
sucking a fabergé potato
Nathan Hernandez
when was lobster man in politics besides crying about trannies?
Lincoln Cox
Will go to my grave seething that I'm not a Kiwi desu
Even if I moved I feel like it wouldn't really count. (not Australian. If I was maybe it would.)
Ryan Perez
i'm not lachlan
Jace Rogers
We a living in the moment of the biggest mass redpill in human history
Evan Reed
Joshua Reyes
nah lachlan's in the mental ward, doesn't have much time to post
Cooper Parker
Need a milf to shag silly once lockdown is over
Leo Adams
fair enough
carry on then
what'd he get busted for this time
Jaxson Foster
If Australia is so great then why do you fuckers keep coming here?
Connor Jackson
Just because she likes anime doesn't mean she's disabled.
Lincoln Bell
as a teenager, funnily enough in a left-wing party.
Leo Parker
told his carer he wanted to commit suicide the silly bugger
Noah Wilson
Don’t care who you are, modern architecture surrounded by not so modern life is PEAK comfy and aesthetics
Dominic Baker
Oliver Davis
David Brown
that wasn't my question at all and you know it
Colton Cox
she is very cute for someone who is probably mentally disabled
Kayden James
Honestly it's not worth it. Attractive older women are nearly always very damaged and have nervous breakdowns on the frequent.
Easton Jenkins
love modern architecture in the countryside, hate it in the city. it just looks so good in fields or atop hills
Ryan Gutierrez
Luke Young
Jason Hall
lol I’m canadian this is news to me, where the fuck did you find this
Oliver Adams
mega choon
Chase Watson
vote against to strike a blow against /leftypol
Noah Ward
abandonment issues hitting
Brayden Reyes
dont mind you just think its funny when you say sux and fush and chups lol
Connor Cruz
They’re going to laugh at us even more
Charles James
She's just a tad different is all
Oliver Johnson
want to watch it but my family will see it on the amazon account lool
Joseph Gonzalez
great track
Joshua Williams
Elijah Flores
can't remember originally. saved that copy of the picture from twitter right now.
Ian Young
>im finally vanning it to macedonia to set up a moped rental
Matthew Johnson
mental how the kiwis think we hate them because most of us disagree with Jacinda's policy on our relations
Gabriel Turner
Ryder Powell
autistic women: autistic men:
Christopher Gray
I don't think "autism" is a mental illness. I think it's misunderstood completely, a psychological trait that's passed down biologically as an adaption to harsh isolated social conditions like in the mountains or woods or something
Jeremiah Cook
Cameron Barnes
when you give mbuku or chang benies but not hardworking kiwis then yeah we think you hate us
Robert Gomez
mental illness and mental disability are two different things mate
Nicholas Thompson
mumberg had me diagnosed with the ol' 'spergers when i was a kid. 99% sure i don't have it as i have none of the symptoms and never have
Jose Cooper
I don't wish I gave a fuck about this
Landon Wright
Kayden Williams
Who's the qt in glasses?
Isaac Sanchez
Her love shines over my horizon
She's a -
Slice of Heaven (slice of heaven)
Warm moonlight over my horizon, she's a -
Slice of Heaven, yeah
Caleb Butler
Josiah Morgan
Grayson Carter
what does this mean? permanent resident sudanese #apex gang members get bennies but kiwis living in aus don’t?
Bentley Campbell
don't worry about it
Carson Clark
Aiden Price
Mental how the autists were proper non functioning and everyone else was just a difficult person until the doctor in charge sees his patients about to be killed by the Nazis and tells them it's actually a spectrum and basically invents shit like Asperger's.
Christian Murphy
Just took a whole paracetamol tablet. Feels like my entire throat is full. How do people take tablets
James Roberts
er I meant disability then
being mentally disabled brings about someone who can't function proper. the girl in the webm can function fine, albeit a little awkwardly
Jason Hall
A new zealander who has worked a legitimate job for multiple years in australia paying full tax is entitled to no welfare whatsoever.
This lockdown has probably driven tens of thousands of new zealanders living in australia to ruin
Chase Jackson
Carter Watson
A toast to vagina
Angel Hill
hitler was probably on the spectrum so I think your post is bullshit
Caleb Hall
Is the whole coronavirus thing still going on? Completely forgot about it.
Gavin Flores
probably why they call it a spectrum then
I've known autistic kids that are hardly functioning
Brandon Ortiz
the e-gf
Eli Scott
tfw retarded but do a passable immitation of a smart person and nobody has caught on
like a dog talking, there's nothing going on but you want to hear what you want to hear.
Jose White
okay, but are the changs and mbukus you speak of australian citizens?
Isaiah Martin
I'm an indigo child
Owen Ward
you're supposed to swallow it senpai
Jason Campbell
Hey laddy when the bennies get ya down
your bottom lip's near draggin' on the ground
that's when I've gotta play the clown for ya
Black humour, made you, kick your blues
David Howard
Unequivocally based
Juan Powell
Reminder that Boris beat the virus
Tyler Collins
nah its pretty much over, may be a flu-esque recurring thing
Jackson Clark
Jordan Miller
I did but there's still a ghost of it
Ayden Watson
Samuel Perry
here we are
Tyler Hill
doesn't count as a win if you need a machine to breathe for you
Jose Gray
his head is massive