What causes anglos to be the most evil race? Is it the inbreeding?
What causes anglos to be the most evil race? Is it the inbreeding?
the viking take their fine womans
and the jews rule over them
the viking take their fine womans
and the jews rule over them
>t.mountain jew
Reminder that most British people look nothing like that
Yes most British people look nothing like what you posted.
It’s much closer to reality than that stupid Jeremy Kyle show
>the most evil race
Oh, Germany, are you serious?
that guy is definitely inbred no normal person looks that fucked up.
They are more make up than human
Prussia: An army with a country.
UK and USA: A banking industry with a country.
What causes so many sad non-anglo types on Yas Forums, particularly germans, to be so hatefully preoccupied with brits?
Are you honestly that desperate for our attention? Is the "nice cherrypicked image from the jeremy kyle show" response your image warrants really a defining moment of necessary human interaction for you today?
Also nobody in their right mind questions that Germans are singularly 'the most evil race'. You can only imagine the sheer delusion and denial that went into this thread
thats what most english people and australians look like. They are very ugly.
The most superior race, right in their horizon — it's a wonder that even more threads aren't made by Continentals about you'uns.
Germans are fine and are a great people. Better than your country.
Not really, it's the anglosphere who are obsessed with hating Germans and depecting them as evil in your shitty hollywood movies.
Why do you think I've given you permission to speak, chinky boy?
>Not really, it's the anglosphere who are obsessed with hating Germans and depecting them as evil in your shitty hollywood movies
Oh yeah this is my favourite marvel movie
oops thats not thanos
There are six threads currently trying to slate us? Fortunately we aren't autistic enough to bother
I'm Arab. Germany is based because they have always supported us, they supported liberating Palestine from backstabbing Anglo zionists, and today they have shown the greatest compassion and love to Arab refugees compared to any other European country.
Also 5 million Germans died in WW2. This is documented, unlike your Spielberg fanfiction.
>t. jew jew
Germans had indeed shown unusual historic compassion and solidarity with the one other group of barbarians who've repeatedly destroyed great civilisations
Germans took down Rome's west and Arabs both took down Rome's east, worked together to destroy Europe in WW1, and as you've correctly pointed out, are now working together to demographically ruin Europe forever. Thank you for helping my point 100x better than if you were just some random chink.
Based Aussie is honest and is unironically chad enough to flaunt who he is. Stupid Amerimutts like me and the other fags here ruined the world, if we never existed then Hitler would have won and England/co would have Süd- for peace. I’d not exist but neither would the other mutts attacking the Arab Aussie for no other reason than projection and boredom
Fuck USA, fuck mutts, praise all else
An Arab and a yank mutt bashing the Brits because Hitler didn't win
Fascinating. I'm the only one here who'd even still be left alive in that scenario.
Yes and in a rump state. I’d just want to hug my mom one last time and tell her I’m sorry. At least the English lion is dead now, no offense to you Mukembe
t. Chubby mutt literally 3 miles from Walmart, 300 yards from McDonalds and 300 light years from a universe where none of this Allied-victory shit exists. Fuck FDR, fuck the Japs for taking down the Axis through Pearl Harbor
The Anerican revolution caused this, not the outcome of WW2.
Go ahead and kill yourself
Go ahead and kill yourself
>300 light years from a universe where none of this
Just realised how unbelievably stupid this is
The whole post was so next level screenshot worthy weird that it didn't even click that you seem to think there's some Nazi parallel universe located just a few solar systems away from Earth
Germany is waging war in the middle east for America's interests retard
his not an Aussie his a Muslim faggot and probably an extremist
my qt anglo gf
>Germany is waging war in the middle east f
what are you retarded
Arabs are greatest civilisation in history. Bongs are smelly kike merchant peddlers who look like the dogshit pic in OP
I am Australian, and nothing you say in the world will change this fact. Australia does not only belong to whites no matter how much you and your fellow white nationalist seethers will keep crying about it. do us all a favour and kill yourself.
Arabs exist just to destroy great civilisations, and you all look exactly like (less white) jews.
Stop making me cyberbully you with reality.