ITT: Aesthetic alternative flags
ITT: Aesthetic alternative flags
Cringe as fuck.
The integralistas were hardcore brainlets, even by hue standarts
Argue your claims using a minimum of 150 words.
Incel nazi LARPER Plínio Salgado vs
Chad hero of the people Luis Carlos Prestes
My ancestors :)
A classic, but I've always preferred the 3rd National
holy based
This was one of the proposals for our new flag (kinda running the point of a socialist past home with the recoloured flag) around the time of our independence, what do you think? It kinda reminds me of Burma but I like it.
What's Burma?
I only know Myanmar.
based and REDpilled
eh, the gold colour doesn't really go with the white/blue/red.
I really like the black/white combination of the carinthian panther. Too bad it's a completely apocryphal neonazi meme and much too detailed for a proper flag.
Ne vem, meni pa zgleda v redu.
Kaj misliš, da bi bila zastava bela? Ne vem no, to je pa kar malo preveč osnovno.
Alternative flag where the South left the union.
I always liked this one because it has a pigs head. It was used during the battles against Ottoman Empire for our independence. They put the pigs head just to piss off Turks.
>summation sign
>not an integral
Not a royal symbol
Zgodovinsko so bile bele zastave kar precej uporabljane, ne vem, men je ta estetika kul. Pa mal bolj izstopa v primerjavi z "generična slovanska trobojnica".
Also, based russians.
>generična slovanska trobojnica
Za slovensko zastavo je dolga zgodovina
>pic not related
Original proposed flag of California by the congregation led by Pio Pico.
incredibly based
Vem, vsaka slovanska država ima specifično zgodovinsko utemeljitev, kjer vsaka vodi do... generične trobojnice
Dropa o Rivotril, anão.
Conte-me mais.
Check the scoreboard, Johnny Reb, before you think about trying anything funny again.