ITT: Aesthetic alternative flags

ITT: Aesthetic alternative flags

Attached: Brasilian_Integralism_Flag.svg.png (1200x600, 25.3K)

Cringe as fuck.
The integralistas were hardcore brainlets, even by hue standarts

Attached: fashy olmec flag.png (946x540, 78.17K)


Argue your claims using a minimum of 150 words.

Attached: 1587958838342.png (3000x2100, 389.4K)

Incel nazi LARPER Plínio Salgado vs
Chad hero of the people Luis Carlos Prestes

Attached: y22foj3ajus11.jpg (1258x750, 135.86K)


My ancestors :)

Attached: stars and bars.png (255x142, 4.56K)

A classic, but I've always preferred the 3rd National

Attached: bloodstainedbanner.png (1024x683, 35.57K)

holy based

This was one of the proposals for our new flag (kinda running the point of a socialist past home with the recoloured flag) around the time of our independence, what do you think? It kinda reminds me of Burma but I like it.

Attached: Alternate_Flag_of_the_Republic_of_Slovenia.svg_.png (1200x600, 10.92K)

What's Burma?
I only know Myanmar.

based and REDpilled

eh, the gold colour doesn't really go with the white/blue/red.

I really like the black/white combination of the carinthian panther. Too bad it's a completely apocryphal neonazi meme and much too detailed for a proper flag.

Attached: abc.jpg (457x276, 17.22K)

Ne vem, meni pa zgleda v redu.
Kaj misliš, da bi bila zastava bela? Ne vem no, to je pa kar malo preveč osnovno.

Attached: drzavni-grb-mali.jpg (502x600, 118.48K)

Alternative flag where the South left the union.

Attached: American flag future.png (800x431, 83.19K)

I always liked this one because it has a pigs head. It was used during the battles against Ottoman Empire for our independence. They put the pigs head just to piss off Turks.

Attached: EE10579D-88FA-463C-AA56-F9DE0A295119.jpg (500x500, 182.05K)

>summation sign
>not an integral

Attached: 1548087700404.jpg (1106x1012, 89.88K)

Not a royal symbol

Attached: hpaquaaklaby.png (1280x853, 125.71K)

Attached: eik8ycprs7331.png (900x600, 137.15K)

Zgodovinsko so bile bele zastave kar precej uporabljane, ne vem, men je ta estetika kul. Pa mal bolj izstopa v primerjavi z "generična slovanska trobojnica".

Also, based russians.

Attached: Flag_of_Zheleznogorsk_(Krasnoyarsk_krai).png (600x400, 17.11K)

>generična slovanska trobojnica
Za slovensko zastavo je dolga zgodovina

>pic not related

Attached: grb-199_display.jpg (640x410, 32.82K)

Original proposed flag of California by the congregation led by Pio Pico.

Attached: pico flag california.png (1024x700, 195.09K)

incredibly based

Vem, vsaka slovanska država ima specifično zgodovinsko utemeljitev, kjer vsaka vodi do... generične trobojnice

Attached: ZdruženeObčineSlovenije.png (1200x600, 23.03K)

Dropa o Rivotril, anão.
Conte-me mais.

Attached: Fascist Ireland Flag.jpg (1000x573, 90.08K)

Attached: 360_postcard_japan_0621.jpg (360x235, 19.87K)

Attached: Flag_of_free_4chan.png (1082x720, 94.58K)

Check the scoreboard, Johnny Reb, before you think about trying anything funny again.

Attached: D3304B2A-1A6D-4A4E-BE39-2EE0154052D7.png (284x177, 5.37K)