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aha edition

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noooo not the heckin moHAMerino
not my flippin prophetino as an anime
oh no not during my frickin hunger month :((((

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>الاصلاح العثماني

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تركيا الحالية هي دولة مبنية على القومية التركية ما الها دخل بالقومية الاسلامية
اوردغان يستغل القطيع المسلمين حتى يحقق غايته لانهم اغبياء

Racists just need someone to hate. In the 70's and 80's before there were muslims in Australia, racism was targeted against greeks and vietnamese. A racist will probably hate a muslim Arab more than a Christian Arab but in the absence of a Muslim they will have no problem directing their hatred against a Christian Arab. I think most westerners aren't even aware that Christian Arabs exist.


Attached: 170px-Antun_Sa'ada.jpg (170x244, 15.31K)

هو كان مسيحي
لا تثق بلأدلوجيين المسيح لانهم عملاء دائما

he was secular and genuine to his cause, which is why he got executed by the literal frech puppet syrian president back then

t. turkish ottoman traitor who would prefer iraq to be governed by erdogan.

فقط فئة قليلة من الشيعة تسب الصحابة
نسميهم الشيرازيين
و زواج المتعة حلال مثل زواج المسيار

I'm Arab more than you, muhASSyria mutt

why do sunnis make fun of the mut3a marriage thing when they have misyar

a wise man once told me
>Sunnis are the masters of cherry picking

How so? My ancestors have lived in Iraq for thousands of years, yours came from azerbaijan.

sunnis and shi'ites hate each other for things they are both guilty of. If either of them were non-muslim, they would be the Yas Forumsturd types who rant about muslims and hate muslims for everything about them.

زواج المسيار مو مؤقت
زواج المسيار بده شهود
زوجتك من المسيار بتورثك وأولادك لازم تربيهم (مو متل أولاد المتعة اللي غالبا ينتهي أمرهم بالمزابل)
بعد الطلاق بالمسيار المرة بكون عندها عدة 6 اشهر ما بحقلها تتزوج حدا تاني، بينما اختك المتمتعة بتقدر تغير البوي فرند كل ليلة لماو
حرفياً ، زواج المسيار عبارة عن زواج عادي فيه كل الحقوق ما عدا حق المبيت

literally not a single person here is muslim

you have a good point but we don't help our case sometimes at all man. my dad showed me a video of a hijabi women yelling and swearing at the police in australia. they had to get physical with her and restrain her


and proud

كل الي قلتو غلط
زواج الشيعة العادي ما بدو شهود القصة مش بالمتعة
أبناء زواج المتعة عندهم كل الحقوق الموجودة للابن العادي
عدة زواج المتعة شهرين
بس انتو بدمكن الكذب،احقر خلق الله

I miss murad

تصبحو على خير


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دورت عجوجل ولقيت انو فعلاً بعض كلامي غلط بخصوص العدة، بعتزر
بس بدك تقنعني انو شراميط طهران بيلتزمو بهالحكي و ما بيستغلوا زواج المتعة ؟
زواج المتعة فعلاً ما فيو وراثة للزوج أو الزوجة ومؤقت وهاد الكلام من مواقعكم انتو، وبالتالي هو مو نفس المسيار متل ما انت حكيت

Nice taqyyiah. Deep inside you are seething because it is your duty to take revenge now that you laid eyes on your simplord cartoon prophet. Pic related, it's you.

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the duality of man

oh shit you got me

why are ex-muslims so autistic?

Punishment of Allah

he's right
the saudi and leb flags are probably the only muslims here and i bet they're even practicing muslims

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They still didn't get to have sex even after leaving islam

Hiding in your toilet just to eat food and drink during the day while smelling their shit and fear sweat probably played a role in that

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The Leb flag is straight up gay and he supports a government which would probably execute him.

He's cool when he's not butthurt though. Or maybe he's cool after getting butthurt, if you catch my drift.

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lmfao nice one
i like him though, he's chill and always comes up with quality shitposts

Based. Post Mohammeds for taqyyiah larp we must convince this website that we are not seething, coping, angry terrorincels

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