Why is Europe so picturesque compared to America?
Why is Europe so picturesque compared to America?
I'm just here to link to this post so I could see what it was.
Am I the only one that doesn't find Europe good-looking? If I wanted to see a bum on the porch of a 'WOWOWOWOW HISTORIKAL BUILDANG' I'd move to the old part of town. Move out of the stone age, Europe. I prefer USA skyscrapers over disgusting mud-huts.
Still whiter than you, paco
I'm not white. And I don't care.
So put that shit in your pipe and smoke it.
There's no reason to go to europe unless you want to look at some old stuff.
The North American continent looks amazing. I don't know what your problem is.
You've probably never left the jungle in your life, stop being assmad. Also skyscrapers are cringe.
America is full of beautiful sights, go outside. American woods >>> European woods at the very least.
For me, it's glacier national park.
Compared to some shithole flyover state east of the Mississippi, yes. But the Western US has truly stunning geography.
u r gay lmao
Die coastie
This is a code for OP wanting pictures of America?
Find me something in Europe just somewhat close to this. You can't. Europe sucks.
lady liberty is pretty based
...the statue is French you mongoloid
It was made for america. Why do you think the book in her hand has MDCCLXXVI written on it? Why do you think she's stepping over shackles?
RIP towers, I'll never got visit the observation deck like kevin mccalister
Nice try dodging the question. The statue could be nigerian for all I care.
Thing is, it's not in Europe. It's in the US, U.S to the A.
And I repeat: Find me something close to that picture but in Europe. You won't, you can't.
And what about the skyscrapers in the background, are they French too?
Take him to the infirmary hes delusional.
>And what about the skyscrapers in the background
I miss the Towers too. Beautiful sight, truly the symbol of the developed and forever capital of the world, Manhattan.
My home, Cascadia.