/brit/ aka /pryd/

Flash FM edition

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anybody know where i can downloaded I,partridge audiobook for bedtime

last thread was just getting good

not sure but one of his audiobooks is on full in youtube

new socks just arrived lads

best channel

Dirty Irish eejit

can't think of many other games with as much soul as vice city

mikey finally admitting he isn’t actually irish lol

think some of the ol' asmrists have lost their way a bit, forgot what it's meant to be all about ya know

Popped a spot on my dick there

Was very satisfying

i'm more irish than than the potato famine mate

yeah nomad I listen to that pretty much every night before bed but I'm able to repeat it word for word at this point, the other one I, partridge used ot be on youtube and i used to have it downloaded but its gone now and ive deleted it fs

Its very easy to fall asleep too because he doesnt suddenly shout or scream so the vollume levels are consistent, I like XFM but ricky gervais' laugh will make u wake up

Is that mikey’s haunt, the hard rock cafe in manchester?

Vice city is a little overrated

Yes officer? this girl right here.

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Where did I say that? I am Irish mate. Proper Irish. Not some new age spastic faux yank gay poofter soyrish cunt

mental how hard Gibi hit the wall


just did a massive shit and now i feel hollow

the lad

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Good lad, you’re a rootless little twerp whereas my family have lived on the same plot of farmland since time immemorial. You may as well be some mutt because you have no roots haha, you’re basically an American on a WEWUZ rant. Good lad, get on your bike and go home... oh wait, go back to your rusted out caravan! LOOOL

Learn to fish you malnourished brainlet

Get 'im Mikey

wood fired pizza? hows pizza gonna get a job

aha good one x


Mikey walking around Manchester City centre with an American bandana on and a leather jacket mumbling to himself in a fake Californian accent

still hung up about the ol' toilfu who i'll never see ever again

we flirted like maaaad.

but then she was a cunt to me when her work womyn friends were about.

odd womyn are.

she was European anyways

i always attract European females.

>ywn be a kid playing vice city in the summer holidays again

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the Irish sure are a contentious people

sound like a 16 year old mate ahah come on now

hmmm idk I have the physical book it’s very funny better than nomad but have no clue where to get a free audio of it

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As if I wanted to or ever did LOL, fucking grow up you idiot

yet you'll never be a kid discovering San Andreas' hidden multiplayer mode during a summer

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she was an utter peng ting 2bf

appt booked. will be getting eye bags filled out with dermal fillers

In all fairness it’s better than walking around Dublin City centre with a needle hanging out of your arm you junkie freak. Ireland’s a dump and you’re a scummy soyrish clown without a shred of integrity. Brits our blacks in. Black cunt

>still hung up about the ol' toilfu who i'll never see ever again

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Yeah I’m not from Dublin, I live out in the country where actual Irish people live. Only scummy rats come from Dublin, which is exactly why you come from Blanchardstown, cause you’re a scummy useless rat creature, you and your clan of dogs.

You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose jeans you wear
Now it's time to leave your next jeans
if you dare

kids have fortnite now

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good lad

go white boy go


FUUUUUCK I remember that
neighbour and I used to play that, was mindblowing

>there will never be another MGS game
just end it

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Mate, Ireland is Dublin. Dublin has that much of an influence on ye that ye all speak with some slight variation of a Dublin accent you culchie fuck. Shut the fuck up you little muppet. You’re England’s bitch. Stop pretending otherwise.

mad how big patagonia is


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>you will never console and fuck 190cm's mother as she cries about his suicide

why even live

Yo /brit/, still alive?

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aha ini

remember wearing it back in like 2017 and noone knew the brand back then

lmaoing at this tr*veller cope

my dream is to go over there one day and speak welsh to one of the welsh settler types

Nobody outside of Dublin speaks with a Dublin accent. You still speak with a Dublin twang tho, probably just because you’re an easily impressionable gayboy. This has nothing to do with England, it has more to do with the fact that I could buy and sell your entire gyprat clan with the change in my back pocket.

The northern Irish rats crawl out from the woodwork. Go blow up a school you freaks

Gas giants can get to 45 times the mass of jupiter but only have a maximum volume 15% higher than jupiter, past a certain mass they actually start to shrink

on about the region numbnuts not your faux chav walking brand

got a weird feeling someone dropped my laptop and didn't tell me

*flies into /brit/*

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They most certainly do, mongo. Little culchie bog trotting freak. You’re not worth a euro. You couldn’t buy yourself a decent stitch of clothes never mind nothing else you fool. Half starved around the bogs of Ireland

and yet greater manchester has more people and ten times the cultural significance

what's the deal with Champion clothing and why is everyone wearing it all of a sudden?

virgin behaviour

drug culture

first couple seasons of family guy are so comfy the later stuff is a horrible mix of shallow and dark

>cultural significance
you mean oasis?

No bogs here lad, I live on well kept and prosperous farmland. I make loads of money, one of my cattle are worth twice whatever trailer you’re living in. I don’t live on a bog, but I’d well believe that you live on wasteground as you dirty rats tend to do. The only starved one here is you with your size 5 baby feet and baby hands, you’re a pathetic little specimen and I’d murder you with one clout.

why is my name florida

you arrive

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need an imperialist british nationalist ecofascist gf with big chebs

you’d fucking know lmao

yeah bc everyone has been a virgin once lad

classic gag
believe he’s referring to the verve

>British nationalist
Does she have multiple personalities? Every one of these ideologies contradict one another you stupid mongoloid

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mental how grown "men" are this short

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literally nothing good in the east

Can you kill yourself and bequeath all your farmland to me. I quite fancy it. Thanks in advance x

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>rona aftermath sends us into another depression
Could happen.

Liverpool should be independent

You’d be the first one to hide under your bedsheets and not come out til the fightings done you coward

god i hope so

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so how is boris doing? havent heard from him lately

this is nothing, in junior high my crush would pants me to reveal my tiny shrivelled weener that's all fucked up looking and radiates a pungent clam-like stench. everyone would gather around and make a game out of who could stare at it and smell it the longest without throwing up.

got another missed call with a voicemail thats just some chink mumbo jumbo

You live in a shed on some shitty field with your 3 sheep and a cow. You’re a little bog trotting fool. 50 pound a week is good money to you sure. You don’t know what money is you poverty stricken malnourished gomey boy.

wish i went to high school

this is mental illness on display

Just want to be sweating my titties off in a club to this