Islam is destroying Europe

Islam is destroying Europe.
Why are they even allowed here in the first place?

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>implying it's your choice
We go where we want, pussy

Basically Euro boomers voted liberals because they were socialists and wanted free gibs. Then Jews infiltrated the parties and added the immigration from first east Europe then Africa and the Middle East into the mix in hopes of destroying monoethnic homogeneousness of western and Northern European countries.

>Why are they even allowed here in the first place?
Euros are pussies

wasnt the dutch the first to sepperate church from state?

Who gives a shit. What NATO + America did to the middle east is infinitely worse than what a few refugees are doing to Europe.

Didn’t Belgium have a massive riot by muslims?

Just woke up for suhur.

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Because Europe needs to be destroyed for it's crimes agains't humanity.

Pic only marginally related

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We must stand united against this shitskins bastards. We have awesome culture, beautiful lands, ancient history and inestimable power.
Some niggas and babahs and lgbts cannot destroy us, they're too week.

answer me Klaas

I don't know, I don't care. Yas Forums has taught to not have sympathy for Europeans and Americans, because at the end of the day they will always hate me and my people no matter what we do, simply because we exist. They will hate us if we live in our own countries and they will hate us if we live in theirs. So fuck them.

As if the public in europe had any say in that. Our politicians do what their real masters tell them

based retard

Seethe more, faggot cunt.

Why are you using the flag of the Republic of Turkey coloured in Green as the symbol of Islam? You do realise that is not the symbol right?

Have sex incel. The world is globalized. Diversity is the new norm.

why is australia called australia?

I'm not OP. I am a Muslim.

Your politicians are elected by your people. If you're not responsible for what your politicians do then Arabs and middle easterners are not responsible for what a few terrorists or badly behaved migrants do. You are a massive hypocrite, you try to make your people innocent of what your leaders do yet apply collective guilt to all Arabs and middle easterners.

>they will hate us if we live in our own countries
Most if not all don’t, the shift only happened when massive amounts of immigrants started flooding Europe last decade or two which changed opinions on your people being subhuman. If you just stayed put only the kikes would have hated you.

cringe dumbass (you)

>tell me why

Brussels is already officially quarter Muslim, so what did they expect?

Yeah while western countries invade and bomb us and said people of those countries go "hurr why do you blame us its not as if we elect our leaders". And you WILL hate us no matter what we do, you will oppose us and see us as brown sandniggers regardless. So why should we feel sympathy for you. Besides most western countries support Israel and supported the illegal invasion by Jews of Arab lands.

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never want to hear you say
I want it that way

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You elected them

link the song chad, im too drunk to figure out the lyrics.
but seriously why is it called australia???? aussie aussie assuie oi oi oi

Cause europe is an open society unlike third world shitholes

Woah no need to...blow up...over it

Why do you migrate to the countries that bombed you? Anyways you’re being too much of a pansy. Any monoethnic european country will always hate foreign groups even if they’re a European group, even if they’re their neighbours! It’s called tribalism and people will always hate foreigners. Look at French treated Germans in Alsace and the Spanish and Italian immigrants during the 19th and early 20th century. It happens in every country. I’m against multiculturalism because it inevitably leads to conflicts (murder, rape, crime) and eventually war. I fully support any country deporting all muslims back to their homelands but also deporting all foreigners including Jews back to Israel.

Oh, that projection that antirapefugee are incels.

Diversity, not mixed shit.
It's like a paint, if you use one colour, you gain nothing.
If you use different colours, you gain a picture.
If you mix all the colour and use the result to draw something, you gain shitty blur.

You cucks asked for it.

they bring nothing but good culture

I already know you support deporting Muslims. I support more and more middle eastern immigration to your countries and vote for political parties that encourage that.

>jews back to Israel

Israel is Palestine and the fact that you support your jewish european brethren invading Arab lands is evidence of your hatred against us.

I don’t care. And I don’t support Jews. Btw Jews have more of a claim to Palestine than so called Palestinians who are just Arab gypsies. Anyways you can support immigration to Australia or even here. I’m moving to my ethnic European homeland and hopefully europe wises up and make ethnic states.

>Btw Jews have more of a claim to Palestine than so called Palestinians who are just Arab gypsies.

You do support Jews and you are a zionist scum and have just demonstrated your hatred for Arabs, which you will always and have ALWAYS had. Which is why I don't give a fuck about your so called "migration problem". And Arabs are moving to Europe even more than they are moving to Australia or Canada, so eat shit.