
Attached: 20200406_144842.jpg (720x921, 333.4K)

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first for stinky fart

this guy needs to shave, there is nothing more gross than a mustache like that

i support shoplifting

I haven't seen a woman that wasn't my mom for over a month.

little more lore: my father's nickname was Roadhouse

no one cares what you find gross nerd

What!?! 0_0

Oh~ It's you Yas Forums! xD

You scared me soooo much! Dun sneak up on me like that!! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

I knew you wouldn't give up! ȌωȌ

I wuv you soooo much!

You know how much? (ʘωʘ)

This much~! ;3

*Surprise huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

*Tight wuggles*

Remember you are very very important to me! ´・ᴗ・`

Take care of yourself! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ


-Double boops your nose and tummy tum tum-

Attached: You, yes you!.gif (811x456, 663.49K)

Jason would look like the archetypical pedophile if he just slapped on those glasses with the connecting bar thing between the frames

like this?

Attached: jason glasses.jpg (1600x1200, 475.06K)

the only pedo on /cum/ is fk
jason likes ss and anime milfs

Like pic related

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the moustache helps him. his nose is too big and his philtrum is too large

actually Its true incel

Attached: asian.jpg (720x1145, 248.92K)

call me an incel again and I'll wring your little indian chicken neck

Attached: 1582883136012.webm (640x640, 2.86M)

Music to consider for you salty dogs and landlubbers alike.


Attached: 1009csinbottle1__92086.1438139858.jpg (1280x960, 83.62K)

no it doesent and nobody applies those lookism stats to a pic besides you

he just called you an incel bro, you gonna take that from hiM?

if you are pale skin you don't have to be attractive to get an attractive asian gf


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many other girls do

no, no girl looks at a man and says omg his philtrum is too big, he has this bone structure or a pronounced maxilla with a good lower third. She will either be into you or not not make a list like a scientist about you biological makeup

they don't use the term but they notice it

some of these are kinda catchy

Attached: 1559948161430.jpg (1100x1093, 138.81K)

they notice his shoes and how he smells the first and height after


based shantyposter

Attached: pirate music.gif (350x350, 141.31K)

want to adopt a cat
i will name it lenin

name it lenincat

make sure to post pics of them here :)

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