Why are many Chinese diasporas such traitorous cunts?

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Why is the United States?

Seething chink

exhibit A

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>protesting to safeguard the wellbeing of your country of birth
>undermining your country of birth because muh heritage
>not treason
w/e ccpbot


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Holy shit this is laughable. It thought chinks were supposed to be smart yet a significant portion of them buys this level of propaganda?

impressive self-awareness right there

Kill yourself.

It's just an act

>implying you’d want to under the PRC either
Just one taste of freedom (relatively speaking) and they NOPE’D the fuck out.

If anyone’s perfidious it’s Britain for not fighting harder, and Margie Thatcher for getting LITERALLY SHAKING by Deng. Hong Kong doesn’t want to be more of the bug people and I don’t see how anyone can blame them.

What freedoms does Hong kong enjoy that the mainland doesn't

they can wave the British flag without being having their skulls crushed?

Unfortunately really.

Why would mainlander wave the British flag around?

>free and fair elections (22 parties represented in last election cycle)
>get to use common law instead of broken chink THE STATE IS NEVER WRONG law
>get to use UK legal precedents
I’m not going to spoon feed you more (Wikipedia is your friend) but the things I listed ALONE are enough to be quite significant. The free elections alone are what thousands of people in other countries bled and died for.

they wouldn't. Traitorous behaviors will not be tolerated.

Not him but
Because even a nanny state is better than a police state?

>get to use UK legal precedents
ah yes. You get to subject yourself to a bunch of imported white guys because yellow cannot be judges.
2049 cannot come soon enough. We will impart some pride into your body one way or another.

>>free and fair elections (22 parties represented in last election cycle)
Chinese have elections. but it's mostly for who represents them in the party
This system works fine for China.
>>get to use common law instead of broken chink THE STATE IS NEVER WRONG law
Do you even know what you're talking about?
> The free elections alone are what thousands of people in other countries bled and died for.
Democracy will never be a good thing for China considering it's population size

>Yeah I want to go back to the days where my grandma was treated like a second class citizen in their own country
Why don't you retards know your own history

Are you a chink or just like to edgy?
Serious question

Imagine that the SCOTUS is run by 9 Chinese guys because white cannot be good judges.

That is Hong Kong.

>Chinese have elections. but it's mostly for who represents them in the party
Not free, not even technically elections if it has to be sanctioned first by the ruling party, and you can choose from a grand total of one (1) party. That’s bullshit and you know it.

>the system works fine for China
That is a sentiment oft expressed by Chinese communist officials

>do you even know what your talking about?
Do you? Assuming you aren’t proxying, you’re either:
A chink diasporanigger, in which case you love the PRC SO MUCH that you’ll do anything to defend her honor online. ....except live there of course, since that place is evidently enough of a shithole that you fled here to use our schools, or our businesses. In any event, you’re full of shit.
Or you’re not a Chinese person on a proxy, in which case you definitely have no idea what you’re talking about and I don’t know why I’m arguing with an autist undergoing an indenting crisis.

And if you are a proxyfag... well that by virtue of existing kind of confirms everything I’ve said, no?

>and you can choose from a grand total of one (1) party.
That is factually wrong and therefore your entire post.

They CAN use the different legal system. That’s freedom for you, you’re free to cite whoever you want without getting arrested or shot.
And if the Supreme Court had a 150 year history of Chinese Supreme Court justices then yeah, I’d tolerate them citing Chinese law. It wouldn’t be out of a vacuum.

Are you actually going to sit there and lie through your teeth that the Chinese is not one-party rule?

>They CAN use the different legal system.
anyone can be anything theoretically. Yang can be the POTUS too!

Keep on believing kek.

> I’d tolerate them citing Chinese law.
ah the classic yellow man is not genetically superior enough to study the white man's laws. Only the white man can be entrusted with the law.

I pity you. Don't worry. All will be corrected in due time.

>That’s bullshit and you know it.
It really isn't though, but I'd love for you to tell me how it's bullshit, also if you really wanted to see change and vote within China why not join the CCP?
The rest of your post reads like some redditor negro speech the
>SO MUCH that you’ll do anything to defend her honor online. ....except live there of course, since that place is evidently enough of a shithole that you fled here to use our schools, or our businesses
>calls China a shithole yet he's never been there

There’s a difference between citing a foreign government’s ruling in a country where that’s allowed, and where you’d lose your job and get arrested.
Free countries frequently vote foreign courts, if they have a particular sage ruling. The United State Supreme Court used to be a model for courts after WWII, before it rooms its partisan slant of the past 3 decades or so.
Can you show me any PRC references to foreign rulings?

A simple check shows that the CCP only has ~2400 out of the 3000 People's Congress seats.

There are more presentations of different parties the highest elected body in China than in the US (Republican, Democrat and "Independet -LULZ").

Guess who was lying?

why would China, a sovereign country, have to defer to a foreign court? What kind of cuckoldry is this? Even the US told the Hague that if they try to prosecute Americans for war crimes, the US will invade.

In contrast, China has never made the threat of direct invasion.

>a choice between one thing with no alternative is a choice

>all candidates have to be approved by the governing party
Do I need to explain to you, as I would a small child, why that isn’t free nor fair for an election?

>le call me a redditor
Don’t go there so you’d know more about it than me.
You sound like you’re getting flustered by dissenting opinions. Maybe you can ask whatever university took your corrupt chink father’s bribe money to return it, since they clearly failed you as far as educating you went.

Fuck off. Chinese government hasn't done anything for me.

Because if an astute legal mind makes a salient point, you can cite that in a case? Because wisdom can transcend legal systems?
Christ your third world is showing.

>>all candidates have to be approved by the governing party
>Are you telling me you have to actually be eligible to join the CCP >:((((
>Why can't I just he retarded and rich like American politicians >:(((

>Because wisdom can transcend legal systems?
yea as long as it's a white guy transcending it right?

It's one thing to learn from a foreign country it's another to literally import foreigners to RULE over you.

Let not even talk about race because you are a hopeless cuck. Go to a trump rally and ask if the Supreme court should be run by 9 German- no- British nationals without American citizenship and see what will happen