>your country
>can I study a Master's degree for free?
If yes, tell me how
>your country
>can I study a Master's degree for free?
If yes, tell me how
Yeah but only in polish
There are master‘s degrees in english but you gotta shell out cash for those
Yes. Illegally immigrate and write that you were abused and the victim of racism but you managed to overcome it all and make it to America. You’ll get a full scholarship.
Yes you can probably. Our universities have so few foreign students that they will accept you free of charge probably. You are not going to find a job here though.
No but you can study for a PhD for (((free))) usually at a big uni
Is it true that when you come to poland they give you blonde girl to fuck as welcome present?
No Polish girls are dark haired crypto shitskins
Damn Azerbaijan looks like *THAT*?!
Yeah we have so many skyscapes in Baku but they are the biggest ones. It is mixture of soviet and modern architecture. City is complete closturefuck. You can't get in a train after 6 pm because everyone going back to home from work. To many students at morning, trafic jams everywhere in city except for elite parts.
Pretty much all Unis here are free for poorlets. Dunno the documents that are needed though.
You have to give them document that proves you don't have any property or money.
*huge money
do i have to study in italian
Master's? Not really
Although there are cases of working at a place for a while with your bachelor's degree, then going back to school for a master's, which your company would then pay for.
You can try Germany, as they teach classes in English as well and you don't have to pay for tuition, you just have to pay for housing and also prove that you can indeed pay for it (Check out the DAAD website)
Nah many unis offer courses in English. Don't expect perfect accents though.
the accents are the best part
You can but I don't think it's recognized overseas (depending on your degree). Education system is dogshit here.
Curious I was just checking there and the costs of life they give are too high, are there scholarships for poorfags?
No, it's like $30k for foreigners.
Idk how it works for other south america countries, is peru a mercosur member?
Yes, in Mexico master degrees are free, but I'm not sure if it apply to foreigners
I don't think so. Brazil is the common choice here for masters and PhDs, my friend just finished his Masters and now he's stuck there for another month because corona.
I know a guy who took out loans with a Swedish bank then proceeded to just leave the country when he graduated
thats really cheap
Sounds like you're friends with scumbags. Means you're probably a scumbag too.
Go to Germany.
They have free master's degrees in English
This never happened.
Why would he lie to me?
It's free only for other euros.
>Application documents should include a cover letter with your CV, certificates, and assessments from teachers or professors
Hope my thesis teacher can help with this