I wanna attend this uni bros

i wanna attend this uni bros..

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is there anything more soi than going to college/university

Discount MIT?

I take it you’ve been watching all those videos of people reacting to university admissions and rejections.

Why? You'll leave with shitloads of debt and a paper, it's not fucking hogwartz

And I want a nymphomanic cute , chubby , white , English gf.
Join the club Van Nistelroy , we all want things.

don't worry. there are mouthbreathers like you out there who also like soy.

Why not in the Netherlands? What does Harvard offer compared to Unis in your country except the prestige?

Also which major?

Unless you have connections and/or are rich, it's very, very difficult to get in. These universities are great places to be in because of the networking opportunities, not the teaching or research. They won't take in someone who won't be a useful contact for others.

It's stupid fucking expensive.

MIT is for nerds bro
because i wanna flex with a harvard degree
harvard's endowment is bigger than all dutch universities combined
and probably multiplied by two

I had the dream of attending Columbia U. in NY - the place where Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg went to. the beats. it's a nice dream to have but nothing else.

I would prefer Columbia 2bh.

Imagine going out in Manhattan with your bros. Shit must be kino.

y (why) ?

Other Ivy Leagues are superior and Stanford.

>Other Ivy Leagues are superior
What did he mean by this

That's why MIT is cool
If you want to go to Harvard as a non-nerd, good luck.

I always assumed MIT was the school for 4.0 GPA 12 hour study session nerds and Harvard as the school that rich kids, whose parents also went to Harvard, go to

Oxbridge is superior then.

But you're an illiterate Afghan Uzbek shitskin

4.0 is just what it takes for your application to not get thrown out instantly, for Ivy League and Ivy League tier schools perfect grades and SAT scores just get your foot in the door, you need those and something to set you apart from the people who have them.

I want to get into their law school but I can't score high enough on the LSAT exam so I'm stuck with my lower ranked state flagship school

Didn't Columbia have the best law school?

It's not though

I have several family members who went. they're doing quite well. I couldn't make it though lmao.

No Yale does. I'm hoping to to Cornell, Duke, Northwestern, UVA, or Michigan and get decent money from them

I see this and I think about people who get into Harvard Medical School and I wonder how much can you really set yourself apart from others, not only to be good enough for Med School but also good enough for Harvard Med School.

Bros, what’s it like to not be a brainlet? Please indulge me. Ive only known failure.

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My sister got into Harvard Med and Cornell Med with a 3.3 but we're black so that's probably why kek.

Also Columbia is in the tier behind HYS, they're in CCN (Chicago, Columbia, NYU)

And how do you figure that?

I'm a fellow brainlet and it's ok user, I have a steady job where I shitpost 30/40 hrs per week and still make enough to not need roommates

I could've gone to Columbia this year bros
it's not fair

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Columbia is my favorite ivy.

I don't think those schools are worth going to. I'm happy with the state university I attended.

I guess the secret is to convince the admission officers that you’re black.

>Be poorfag
>Want to attend to prestige uni
Enjoy being depressed among all those rich kids there, just stick to your local uni, fag.

There's lots of non rich people, I know someone at Harvard

Ambiguous answer. They’re wrong.

I mean she had a lot of ECs but so do most people applying. but yes there are a bunch of white people who try to claim they're native american for the URM(under-represented in medicine) bonus and their apps predictably get thrown out.

How do they even check?

They interview you before they accept you. obviously if you marked native american and walk in as a white dude it looks bad unless you seriously lived on a reservation or something.

you can build up lots of connections there though
also, some consultancy and law firms don't even hire you if you didn't attend at any of the ivies

Extra curricular activities?

One thing that I will never understand is going to a World-class uni to become a fucking consultant. One could easily follow its true dreams in a Uni like Harvard, but no, let's become consulting robots.

why do you know so much about america you cuckold

Idk dude you earn a lot
A quick google search gave me that the average consultant in NY earns 100k, if you attended some flexuni / ivy like harvard and got some good grades, the average will probably be triple that amount or even more

Harvard students are noticeably more attractive than MIT students. MIT students are smarter though, in general. Harvard STEM students are probably comparable in smartness

t. used to live in Cambridge

You can attend first semester of CS Harvard online.