>i suffer in the third world
I suffer in the third world
Is that Peru?
Lo que más me impresiona es que jamás he conocido una peruana culona.
It looks comfy in a weird way. I guess only in a fictional setting, I'm sure it's not that nice for real.
3th world looks so comfy i wish i was born there. 1st world is hell
I wonder why some people like to live in literal deserts
Dios Mio..
jesus christ....
imagine getting turned off by that. you will die if you looked at my shithole country.
The climate is nice. Humidity is unpleasant.
lmao just grow some plants haha
look at this land
just get some rain ahahaha
Good thing no one wants to look at your shithole
i was thinking the same thing, like a desert setting in a open-world shooter. but imagine that being your home and knowing/being related to every motherfucker in the 20mile radius no fucking good man
it would be comfy without all the buildings and trash on the side. I absolutely love north africa, but prior it turning into a human shithole
>tfw you remember seeing some amateur porn with a qt Peruana (well she's not that qt but whatever) who pulled her bf out right before he came and sucked him until he exploded in her mouth, and she kept sucking while pulling him closer, not letting go, and he had to tickle her to get her to stop
That's a big cactus
Looks like Spain when you take a wrong turn.
nah, I'm pretty sure provincianos move to Lima because of better opportunities, even if is desertic, Lima outskirts are richer than any of tiny andean villages where they came from
Damn bitch, you live like this?
Uh oh link?
rains in Lima are super rare, only a couple of times in a decade, "garuas" (very light rain) are more common but still pretty rare and is not enough to sustain vegetation, on the other hand, humidity in Lima is very high, enough that some people in the outskirts use cloud catchers for water storage
That looks like hell on earth
Third world? That can't be right, this road looks like it would fit right in the middle of Skopje or Warsaw
How the fuck people earn money there?
It somehow reminds me of old action adventure ps2 games
well, at least you aren't in an unpayable debt and 50% of inflation buddy
gold farming on oldschool runescape
same city
I laugh inside when I see discussion about the bad-good zones of Lima while other flags just argue about South and North.
that looks pretty nice honestly
I swear Lima has the shittiest climate in the world, it's humid and desertic at the same time somehow