Set tinder location to USA

>Set tinder location to USA
>first profile
>change location

Attached: Screenshot_20200410-063653_Tinder.jpg (720x1480, 302.75K)

I'd fuck her. Yeah I am desperate as fuck.

Have sex incel

>Set tinder location to Romania
>first profile
>the gypsy girl that stole my phone
>change location


At least it's not a troon.

>Set location to USA
>Black QVEEN.
>Unironically pretty.
>Ayyy.... Finna suck da 7/11 discount out of you brown suga.
Why the fuck does everyone make fun of us. I just wanted an ebony princess

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>Why the fuck does everyone make fun of us.

>Set tinder location to Denmark
>first profile
>the gypsy girl that stole my phone 5 years ago

>Ayyy.... Finna suck da 7/11 discount out of you brown suga.
You should have told her to get ready for a Big Gulp.

I would tit fuck her.

>set Tinder location to Brazil
>Just hot bitches in bikini

Attached: Bruh.jpg (899x1599, 123.11K)

I want to suck on her nipples.

I actually prefer tinder in America to most places in Europe

Not to many places in Europe have better girls than California, Miami or new York

>set tinder location to the Philippines
>only get matched with ladyboys and chubby single moms

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>set tinder location to major european city
>match with a bunch of brazillians

>Set tinder to Iceland
>Mostly hot Islandic girls

How come

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beware american tinder

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Be sure that only the Nordic gypsies know how to use tinder

>Did you add her, OP?

> set tinder to the UK
Most girls are unattractive, caked up in makeup to the point where they are almost unrecognizable. Barley get any matches with the exception of foreginer girls who set their location their and a few black girls

> Set tinder to Vancouver
Girls are ten times hotter get more matches in a few hours than with an entire day in the UK. Overall match with a lot of cute girls

> Set tinder to montreal
girls are even better looking, didn't get as many matches as Vancouver but did well overall.

Are you white ?

>mfw american gf

Attached: MrfpqMKSxl.png (600x500, 49.3K)

I downloaded Tinder the other day and set my profile in USA. The amount of BBW was outstanding, I never saw so many THICC goddesses before. Even Asian girls.
Maybe because my country is starving but hell, I love curvy women so much. Who wants some skeleton when you can have pic related.
God bless America.

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I've had most success in Iceland and Japan. Least In Taiwan, Slavic Europe and Australia


This to be honest tinder in America is great. I used it in Belgium and every girl was stick thin I didn't see one thick girl at all. Also no bikini pics from their either

I would let her sit on my face until her thighs got rug burns from my beard.

I just deleted tinder.
I would get so many matches in college. Now it just depresses the fuck out of me

Good. Never mock America again about weight.

Same but for Iceland and the rest of Asia, South America(Mostly Brazil and Bolivia, didntt try the rest) and USA.
The worst was Germany.
US tinder is better because it has way more female users that are real and actually respond but quality is meh.

Yeah, they're tweaked their algorithm to try and make simps pay for their plus and gold options.

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Oit of those I only tried Slavic Europe and Australia.

Poland, Ukraine, and Russian is ridiculously easy to get matches. Southern Slav countries however I found nearly impossible.

I tried tinder in Sydney, the girls were insanly hot although I didn't get too many matches. However I tried tinder in Melbourne and get a ton of matches

Ever since Tinder made it free to change your location, I've been doing an experiment to see how many matches I can get in different cities across the world. I spend at least 2 days in each city. For reference I am white, 6'0, not fat, and average in looks, probably below average desu

Sao Paulo 44 matches a day
SPB 36 matches a day
Kiev 27 matches a day
Moscow 25 matches a day
Warsaw 17 matches a day
Bucharest 17 matches a day
Boston 16 matches a day
Istanbul 12 matches a day
San Diego 8 matches a day
Bogota 7 matches a day

I was surprised by how little matches I got in Bogota. Cutest girls were in Saint Petersburg, Kiev, and San Diego, but as you can see, I hardly got matches in SD.

do you guys think something will come of this tinder passport free use? will there be a movement of poor women out of their countries to richer countries?

>>Ayyy.... Finna suck da 7/11 discount out of you brown suga.
larp but funny

>US tinder is better because it has way more female users that are real and actually respond but quality is meh
I feel like the opposite. American girls hardly even reply to me, and almost never message first.

I forgot to mention I tried Berlin, Barcelona, and New York, but it was pretty much all South American girls changing their location.

Out of everywhere I tried in the states I would say I had the most success in Boston , Los Angles and San Francisco. The hottest girls I saw were in Miami although it was almost impossible to get matches there. I also did really well in phoniex but the girls were terrible

I thought Boston girls were incredibly ugly, it really shocked me. I haven't tried anywhere in California other than San Diego. I actually live about an hour away from Miami and I think Miami has some of the hottest girls in the country, but it doesn't even matter because it's impossible to get lots of matches.

California is great all around in my opinion, and yeah your right San Diego is filled with Staceys although when I tried there half my matches were from Tijuana kek. I didn't find Boston to be that bad to be honest, although America in general has hotter girls than Canada from my experience using the app