
Gerard Edition

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Shut upjh

more like uragay lol


How am i supposed to work out when I have no podcasts to listen to?

uruguayan be kidding me


seasidemark live


For me it's Azula

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doing alright for myself haha x


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mental how incompetent the torys actually are

making a slow jams playlist

My couch is more gaffer tape than leather these days


if imperialist eco-fascism is for incels then i'm glad i'm an incel

post su69fagpooLOL

Overall quite disgusted with the human experience 2bh.

listen to audiobooks instead

Manchester aka the northern super power

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why is the Scottish accent so weird what makes it so "scottish"
I can't put my finger on it

I reckon Scottisch people seem rather nice

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Labour would have been worse tbqh

Mark did nothing wrong

Who /dobbyclub/ here?

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thinking about the 'cide


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They roll their R's, they are nice! :3

Scottish people are abhorrent scum

Lads I've had enough, shan't be accepting this anymore

need to impregnate Kim Yo-Jong

yet labour still can’t beat them

saying the gym trainer touched him was definitely wrong getting him sacked and all

At least travel the world first. Oh wait..

got a really good idea for some OC
all I will say is suposter SHAN'T be pleased lol!

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literally me

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Scots unironically have the best slang.

only with hijacked corbyn leadership. not with ed, david, kier, gordon or tony

Me too, want to talk about it?

whats he accusing trolls of here i dont understand his ravings tonight

would like a cute gf (male)

get tae fuuck

ive at least visited a few nice places in europe

need to imperganate a hapa

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It might not have been right but it was necessary and for me thats enough

Yes but Corbyn was the leader, hence why they didn't get elected you absolute finger.

Tony is as far from Labour as Thatcher

hope she gets hit by a train

>mitral valve prolapse

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Listen I either want somebody smaller than me with big boobs and a smelly fanny or somebody taller than me with big muscles and a smelly cock

Is that really too much to ask. I dont think so!

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god TFWiki is so fucking cringe

I was walking on the ground.
I didn't make a sound,
Then I turned around,
And I saw a clown.
Had a frown.
Stood on a mound.
Started barking like a hound.
Clowny clown clown.
When I came to what I found,
He showed me something that was brown,
So we became great friends and
Late in life, he got sick...
I gave him some soup, but he got
Worse and asked for it's purse.
It got it, but it was empty,
So it cried a plenty.
I wondered what to do.
I didn't know what to think,
So I got a drink.
And then I showed it
Something that was round,
And it died, smiled,
And fell on the ground.

No train conductor with his head screwed on would send a train down that track are you nuts!

went through my paypal last night and cancelled all my subscriptions

yep, i'm thinking it's based

up up down down left right left right b a

Thoughts on pork pies and pork scratchings?

>I'm gonna tear up the fucking dancefloor dude, check it out

oscar isaac is an extraordinary chad in this movie

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Girls with fat arses are ok, anything else is disgusting

got addicted to morphine over lockdown and cant get any more bitcoins because new regulations require a recent physical bill as proof of address who the hell has that I rent private arghh

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Corbyn's own party backstabbed him and deliberately fucked up anti-semetic inquires and the 2017 election

betty brant is the hottest girl in spider-man and you cannot convince me otherwise



mark is a fucking sociopathic cunt
he deserved to be lonely and a jobless loser

based eco-fash gang

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cant you just print out your rent payment recipt

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>eco fash
spot the sixth former

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the planet.

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she's so PENG

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men with taste

why would people in sixth form know what ecofascism is? most people in sixth form dont even know who's in the government's cabinet

currently watching: welyn

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Where you getting your bitcoin from?


The PAL soundtrack of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is superior simply for having this choon


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watched that for the first time recently i really enjoyed it

Just watched some TLoU2 gameplay.
Looks good.

just watched AvOfMyM
Looks good.

loved watching that sanctimonious cunt get hoist with his own petard


reckon next time i play vic ii i'll liberate Norway as Wales just because Holyhead and Hammerfest are funny place names

>Labour would have been worse tbqh

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in another world tezza is driving us through this crisis with a soft brexit already resolved


absolutely do NOT understand how stalagmites work. how do rocks "GROW" upwards, against gravity?

fucking mental.

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it's Caergybi not Holyhead