Is it true that the average Pakistani is more attractive than the average Indian?
Is it true that the average Pakistani is more attractive than the average Indian?
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We are mughals
so yes
>Anglo tries to rile up brown subhumans to profit off the shit storm.
If I was Thanos I'd kill all anglos.
Both subhuman, Pakis are just a slightly lighter shade of poo.
judging from their location, pakis are probably less ugly since they're closer to iran
>US of A
Pakis are not one race though, the Pashtuns and Balochs will look Iranic, the Punjabis who form the core of the population just look like North Indians.
hm they both delight me but I prefer Pak
>Unrivaled Scum called Anglos
For reference, the current PM of Pakistan is a Pashtun, and he could be mistaken for white.
>United Slaves of Ashkenazis
Sometimes you can be alright cuckshmiri
Are you the NE chink poster?
Pashtuns are white.
No not that cuck. I'm oldest fag
no me
I want another india gf
How does currypussy compare to White girls?
me on the right corner
She was the only gf I've had, so the only pussy I've been willing to taste.
But sour, not a fan
>But sour, not a fan
I've only eaten a few pussies in my time. It really just depends on the girl. I've eaten a pakistani girls pussy and it was fantastic though i've tried to eat out my hapa ex gf's and it made me gag
If the guy on the top left had the skin tone of the guy to the right of him, he would be chad, the others are inbred and disgusting though, why do pakis flush away their good genes by marrying their first cousins?
I've had Latinas, Whitemutts, and one Korean. The Korean was the tastiest by far. It was a very soft flavor with a hint of sweetness.
They can actually taste good/sweet? I thought they were all either slightly sour/bitter or tasteless
Wouldn't have imagined mucus could taste pleasant
It's something of an acquired taste, but there's a huge variety of flavors. Obviously diet and hygiene are very important factors, but genetics plays a role too. This is why I'm so curious to try an Indian woman, because they have a very distinct body odor.
only like 10% are