Is the American South the most masculine part of the first world?

Is the American South the most masculine part of the first world?

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central african republic and chad

Not first world
Not even white

If meth addiction and fucking your sister are masculine

lol the most masculine part of the country went to the US.

Dixie is neither first world nor white either.

the most BBC obsessed

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balkan region or various other, probably US west as well even though i don't knlw much
we should see them wothout their guns to know for sure

Yeah the non shaded areas, especially California and New York are obsessed with BBC

i think you got test and body mass mixed up

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Why is Colorado the least obese?

I fucking hate fatties. We need a fat genocide NOW

Mostly because of Blacks and Spics.

Dixie is the least Socialist part of the US, so therefore, the only first world part. We aren't in the business of giving out welfare in our states

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Looks like the Southwest is the least white part of the US

How is the South not the first world?

We're 40% of the US population and 60% of the economy. Dispute this

Southerners are poor as fuck lmao. And you guys have retarded accents

Nope, MICHIGAN is.


Then why do millions of yankees keep moving here? Especially to North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Florida?

Thanks to Texans carrying all that dead weight

To be 60% of the US economy, yes

I’d imagine it’s because
1. Too poor to afford their current cost of living
2. Better weather down south
3. Southern states tend to be more tax friendly than northern states

That being said, fuck the south

t. Virginian

Snow fucking sucks ass dude, people that live where it snows are completely retarded

Yes but Yankees will dispute this cause they're bitter about living in frozen shit holes with run down cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Baltimore

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Isnt this where BBC comes from? If so then yes.

Germany lost 2 world wars
The South didn't

sure. what can be more masculine than masculine men watching other masculine men? sounds very masculine to me.

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Looks like its mostly yankees who are faggots

No, especially not now. The South is mostly fat blacks and wannabe socialites in places like Atlanta. They’re all desperate to be hip. The most masculine parts of the US are probably the rust belt, upper midwest, and upper mountain west.

that falls to the minnesotans

If I had to guess, because Coloradans seem to spend a lot of time outdoors. It seems like it’s pretty common to bike to work in all of their cities while that’s not so common in most other places, for example.

Why is California so much skinnier than Oregon and Washington?

California has the most slant eyed Orientals

Any other based coloradofags here?

But it has way more spics and nigs, who are generally fat