Americans are afraid of this man

>americans are afraid of this man

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Literally who

satanist old faggot


>39.3K followers of twatter
he's just a meme

The Holy Beard of neo-reactionary quasi-traditionalist hyperborean eurasianist geopolitical shenanigans. He also thinks Kazakhs worship a giant cat btw.

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They look like Jojo poses.

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It’s from keep your hands off Eizouken and that’s based

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Some Russian fascist grandpa who only western Yas Forumstards and a few liberals take serious


what's the actual level of his influence in Russia?

>The g*rmoid fear the Russian bear

Zero, he's too out there. His butt buddy Geydar Dzhemal was more influential than him and he was a fucking Islamist.

Apparently a lot of his advice went into the Russian annexation of Crimea during the Ukrainian Civil War the point where a lot of journalists outright blamed him for it

only people on Yas Forums know him and hes a meme, he has some legitimately good ideas how to destroying america, but most of it is garbage not rooted in reality, he drank his own kool-aid

Amerisharts don't know who he is.
He's mad shizo also

He just supported it, like he always does when it comes to Russian aggression in external politics. He does love Putin's cock, of course, but he doesn't buy the music, he just dances to it.

Look I get that Eastern euros are butthurt about Russia or NATO to extreme degrees but I really doubt it. Governments really do take advice from weird esoteric characters a lot and from what I've read he does actually have some pull in the Kremlin

Remember Rasputin or Allistair Crowley? Hell we had Jim Jones who was once considered one of the most influential democrats in the US. You'd be surprised how much influence weirdo cult leaders can get

>Of all the bogeymen in Russia that the West has created, none has earned as many scary-fascist-points as Alexander Dugin, the former ideological guru for Edward Limonov's National-Bolshevik Party. Dugin is the Dr. Evil that Western academics dreamed of. In him, they finally found a bogeyman who wasn't the typical NAMBLA pervert in a Darth Vadar getup like RNU leader Barshakov, a cheap drama school villain far too easy to dismiss even by Beigeist American academic standards. But Dugin was a different story. He could make a professor or grad student who cites Dugin actually appear to be both morally brave and intelligent. Dugin's dense, allusive prose, mixed with carefully-"hidden" shock-value stances on violence and race, made him the West's choice as the "conscience" of Russian neo-fascism.
>But is he really? We have a skinhead, Sasha, who works in our office, and when I asked him about Dugin, he looked at me with a puzzled face and asked, "Who the fuck is he?" Not that it matters to Western academics whether or not Dugin actually counts in Russia; what really matters is that he was articulate and fascistic in ways that Beigeist academics could easily identify.

None. I've seen more mentioning on him here than in any Russian media. Last time I heard about him in Russian was when got fired from MSU for telling some outlandish shit, borderline fascist.

Literalyl no idea who that is.
I am guessing some kind of local Norwegian celebrity that maybe says "fuck drump"?

Nobody cares

Look, I'm familiar with the dude's whole quasi-intellectual circus routines since the early nineties. He has gathered a circle of friends around him, mostly artists and wannabe-philosophers, but his relation to politics is only tangential and consists primarily of applauding whatever obscurantist and imperialist motions the state does. He's extremely unpopular even in nationalist circles, because he's bad for PR with his weird-ass worldview; it's POSSIBLE that he has some relations and influence swept under the rug, but I think it's improbable and all the fuss around him is just journo sensationalism.

He’s pretty popular in the American dissident right actually, even though that’s a very small portion of the population.

>asking 4channel
this site is a russian propaganda board. it has been for years. you're asking a bank robber if he did it

you may get banned for saying this

I learned about him on Yas Forums, I think that sums up his influence over here

How do you feel about American "intellectuals" calling him Putin's Brain?

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he's popular to refer to on american social media as proof of russia trying to destroy america

I'm impressed that it is not titled Alexander Dugin and the Sorcery Behind Putin's Invasion of Crimea

We lived once in Patriarch's dacha - Dugin, Putin and I. We woke up, I opened the window, Dugin was lying thoughtfully on the bed, than he asks: "But where is Omsk located?" I say: "On the South of Siberia. Next to Kazakhstan." - "Is Kazakhstan near us? What if the Kazakhs poisoned the wind? They can poison the wind! Close the window! The wind is poisoned!" And he, in all seriousness, scared terribly, began to walk around the room. "The Kazakhs, damn, poisoned the wind - how can I go? So it is, exactly. I know they have reed people. They have a lake Balkhash, and there in large quantities grows reeds and reeds. And there live reeds, reeds people who never stick out, only breathe through a tube." Then he thought again, and said:"And in the middle of Balkhash there is a huge island where lives a giant, gigantic cat, which they all worship." This is the Cyrill's case, definitely. Where else would he get it? Says: "Damn it, reed! Reed people all around, what can we do? They can make an invasion! That's all - then we're doomed! If the reed people get out , they'll come at us with their cat! And the cat is huge, three meters tall!"
