
the neverlands edition

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reckon I should ask her if she wantsvisa lol

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oh dear

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I have a horrible feeling that /brit/ is going to end up as the focus of an episode of BBC Panorama one day in the near future

all me

oh no no no

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ohhh janny boooy
janny boooy
janny booooooooy

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John Aubrey (1686: 43–4) notes:Young wenches have a wanton sport, which they call moulding of Cocklebread: viz. They gett upon a Table-board and then gather up their coates with their hands as high as they can, and then they wabble to and fro with their Buttocks as if they were kneading of Dowgh with their A—, and say these words:My dame is sick and gone to bed And I'le go mould my cockle-bread…

>50%+ asymptomatic rate
>0.3-0.5% IFR

literally fucking nothing. Why are we stuck inside?

It is I, Sheik Suliman al-Yankani


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sneed and feeders in the house tonight!

are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chuckle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.

post the one where she diddles herself

Janny is going to have an asthma attack when he sees the catalogue

there's a film about rorke on BBC1 right now lads

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how do i shag milfs?

>are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chuckle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.

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What is your favourite bolt action rifle? For me it is the Lebel 1886

Lol these fucking names dude

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Pic on the right look like the place where the 747 with top secret Israeli weapons and uranium crashed in Amsterdam in 1992.

which ones that?


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virgin freak

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Its mental how certain times of the day there are no australian posters because theyre all asleep. How do they all have such healthy schedules?

Nah that's on BBC3