Post rocks and boulders from your country

Post rocks and boulders from your country.

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nice rocks, plebs
this is what a REAL BVLLder looks like

Attached: Yeager-Rock-Erractic-PB110039.jpg (1805x1116, 523.49K)

I guess this counts

Attached: Pancas.jpg (2000x1500, 3.09M)

My ancestors :)

Attached: hunnen.jpg (1360x785, 140.9K)

Attached: Pedra Azul.jpg (1596x1061, 515.78K)

Attached: pirunpesä sarkola.jpg (800x525, 90.5K)

natural stone formation in the shape of an alpaca

Attached: alpaca.jpg (640x480, 57.18K)

a throne carved into a boulder near the Sacsaywaman ruins complex

Attached: rn_inca12.jpg (450x334, 52.65K)

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Attached: kurumi.jpg (1279x847, 396.66K)

Not from our country.

>not living literally under a rock

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a once revered boulder in the outskirts of the city of Cusco

Attached: A65sy3gCIAEtUFQ.jpg (640x480, 68.43K)

a boulder with odd carvings

Attached: chinkana grande.jpg (639x479, 125.46K)

Another one and the reconstruction of the Inca temple that enclosed it, the previous 2 also had religious structures built around them btw

Attached: shrine.jpg (1636x558, 754.83K)

>graffiti everywhere
why are burgers such subhumans?

Attached: Amaru_Markawasi_8.jpg (1632x1224, 577.83K)

Attached: Amaru Markawasi wak'a Inca shrine.jpg (773x500, 217.31K)

its called culture

normies love to take selfies on it

Attached: kjeragbolten_ovenifra.jpg (800x530, 98.54K)

Attached: Puma-stone-qenqo.jpg (1394x920, 356.27K)

what's that called in russian? Pirunpelto in finnish

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what the heck is wrong with your rivers


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the once proud troll's dick which was cut down by vandals

Attached: Trollpikken.jpg (1500x1069, 403.14K)

but then came the discovery of the troll's cock

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Attached: luontoaiti.jpg (1024x1024, 381.36K)

Giant rocks from southern Argentina. I like the last one that has a phallic shape.

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then this one

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bros i want to fuck that rockgina