ITT: we say our honest opinion about the country of the poster above

ITT: we say our honest opinion about the country of the poster above

Attached: freggy.jpg (840x870, 209.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Needs more soul, too bad the Anglos drained it of soul

Best country in the world by a long shot.

Has no soul, better off being balkanised.

looks like Argentinas little brother

Based as fuck would like to visit

Honestly can't tell the difference between Slovenia and Serbia

Norway is nice

cool landscape, one of the best in the world, and a better language than danish or swedish. But it should speak more Nynorsk and not Bokmal

These threads never work because by the time you finished typing your autism story two more replies have been posted and it's no longer the post above yours


>and a better language than danish or swedish
Danish is legit the worst language in the world. As for Swedish/Norwegian, it's practically the same language. I'd love to hear why you think Norwegian is better.

because of this letter ø

>it's no longer the post above yours
And who gives a shit? because stockholmd sees nice and I like scania and you're pretty gay, so good on you

It doesn't have to be exact as long as people reply to the most recent poster

I hated Amsterdam, it was like worse Dublin, everything was even more expensive and it pissed rain all the time
I liked outside of Amsterdam though

so just tell your opinion about the country of the poster you're replying to
like it all around except the boring landscape
like it except for the Brexit autism

>going to Amsterdam
You can only blame yourself, idiot.

>because of this letter ø

Attached: unnamed.png (512x503, 41.95K)


I was interailling, it was our first stop

maybe it would be better as a last stop

>He likes two places: Stockholm and Scania


Attached: norwegian-merchant.png (715x585, 141.68K)

I also like gotlwnd island because of historical architecture

you are the americans of scandinavia

only reason you seem to be important on world map is your tv, movie, music influence

shit country full of retards, mostly responsible for everything wrong in the world

based cousin, has produced some of my favorite things in art and history, would be perfect if not for the arrogance.

Auvergne is very pretty

favourite cunt apart from my own

proud people, great humour, kino landscape, and fellow islander, sheep herding masterrace.

regards, Sardinia.

>I also like gotlwnd island because of historical architecture
That's actually very based.

How easy is to get to from Stockholm, and how long would yoh suggest staying there?

>How easy is to get to from Stockholm
Well I usually take the ferry from Oskarshamn but if you go there from Stockholm then there's one going from Nynäshamn too. Tickets are not hard to get but I've heard this summer might be a bit different. Due to corona some people in Gotland are a bit sceptical towards tourism this year.

How long you want to stay depends on what you want to see. The old city walls of Visby are worth spending a whole day exploring imo. What do you want to see? I would recommend Gotland's official site for tourism, gotland .com /en