Do shitalians really?

Do shitalians really?

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Italians look like boars?

I almost killed my ex gf because I thought she was an elefant
Shit happens

have a kid at 21...
thats right or wrong?

Was his father a police officer?

Having a kid is literally the dumbest thing you could ever do, but if you're going to do it, you should be at least 25.

Murder, simple as

that shit happens all the time. My uncle died in a hunting accident

Happens regularly here. Hunters are mostly braindead.

I don't know why but I laughed like crazy, fuck

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not anymore

Idiots here who never hunted boars, boars are like little rhinos, they will fuck you up. So if you hear something in the brushes you shoot.

Was his father danish?

that's one smug pig

Because shooting without knowing where your partner is is definitely the smart thing to do.

that's what spears are for


>commit homicide
>lie about it

who would kill their father?

was he karamazov tier?

>hunting """""accident"""""
based son going for a classic

the only season where they would charge you is when they have offspring and you can't hunt them then, if you fear a hairy pig so much that you would go around shooting blindly you should probably stay home


It makes sense.

It rather common, half of the time it's some obscure family or village conflict.
>"I thought it was a deer sir"
Yeah right.

You joke but always make sure to wear orange and only orange if you're going on the hunt, although it may have been a murder

that's the best age, if you wait much longer the chances for various deformities and mental issues start increasing a lot

I don't think so, children throughout the twenties is very common

based mongoloid

maybe you should go look it up instead of using your feelings

maybe I should look at the record of human development evident in my extended family of well over a hundred people

Well, either it's a hunting accident or it's a hunting "accident".
Either way, it is nothing uncommon.

My doctor was killed by a hunter many years ago. He got wounded and managed to crawl to his car but died there. The killer said he thought it was a boar. So basically he said he killed a boar and didn't check lol.
He didn't even go to jail.

this is why interracial marriage fail, if that father wasn't american he would have lived