>Graeco-Romans enslaved, raped, genocided, crucified whites >Whites whorship them and larp at Graeco-romans
Graeco-Romans enslaved, raped, genocided, crucified whites >Whites whorship them and larp at Graeco-romans
who are you quoting?
>Graeco-Romans enslaved, raped, genocided, crucified whites
Graeco-Romans were white and we're no different than swedish conquest of skaneland.
the real blackpill is that "white" is not even a group of people, but a demographic metaphysical construct that absorbs various ethnic groups for its own insatiable and obscured ends.
"white" was never truly a person, but a cancerous meme. One that can be translated into every human language to apply to some large supposedly homogenous (but acturally heterogenous) confederacy of ethnicities that seeks to dominate land and resources while oppressing the "non-white".
wake up.
It's only the euromutt americans that do that
>what is Nazi Germany?
Real recognize real. They were the pinnacle of human civilization in their time and we are it now so we’re connected to them.
extremely redpilled
>Graeco-Romans were white
So Black/Brown haired, tanned olive skinned meds are white ?
>we're no different than swedish conquest of skaneland.
No such thing
shut up fat
Romans were assholes but everyone was an asshole back then. Gauls you probably lionize were extremely brutal and expansionist. They attacked Latins, even sacking Rome once, and they also attacked Greece in 3rd century.
>So Black/Brown haired, tanned olive skinned meds
They were none of those things.
Make one for swedes conquering skaneland
>Gauls you probably lionize were extremely brutal and expansionist. They attacked Latins, even sacking Rome once, and they also attacked Greece in 3rd century.
I know and gauls asked to be hit
90% of slaved people were cartaginians and ((( levantines))) in the year zero rome clustered with the levant
Caesar and others clairly noticed the difference of the Pale blonde celto-germanics and the tanned Brown haired Graeco-romans
No thats a cope
Most of the slaves were celts and germanics
North africans, levantines were far more better traited than the celto-germanics
This is ancient romans with the pigments restored
Swedes clearly noticed the difference between swedes danes Norwegians and Germans, it's tribalism what's your point?
>x group isn't white
How was that a reply to what I said?
""Skåneland"" is not a thing.
The further back you go in Europe the whiter it becomes
>your words
>a genetic analisis of hundred of samples from different roman era and well documented destruction of cartaginian and masive slavery that came after the conquest
and yeaa sure some were killed but the same way some regional part of spain killed eaach other before romans came.
all national identities form throw war ask chinese how were able to form their milenal "fake" han identity
The further back you go the harder African and middle eastern migration is the whiter Europe is.
im not trying to blindly defend the romans but is evident that they want europeans to lost any concetion with their past and became rootless subhuman amerimutt
choose your cope
Probably a famous french scholar known best by his name Louis Kristian Cachet
No that's Augusto
The Gauls sacked Rome and then left.
Romans committed genocide against Gaul and never really left.
What do you mean?
I really dislike this "genocide" meme. Conquest of Gaul was very brutal but calling it a genocide is too much, you're applying modern standards and not even properly. For start Caesar was aided by other Gauls. Not every tribe fought against Romans.
wrong. historians are very clear on this point: pre-roman elites were clearly aryan, and so was the roman elite. it remained like this untill late 1800 when ther was an huge influx of moors from mena that rapidly subsituted entirely the preexisting population. all the white noble italians then fled to the usa. modern italian are now only arabs ethnically speaking
why are roman threads on /his/ so exponentially superior to these absolute LARP garbage dumps here?
shame on all of you.
Do you really think that?
It's okay to be enslaved, raped, genocided and crucified and the other party has roughly the same skin colour.
They did that also to blacks and other Greco-Romans so?
what did they teach you in school?
yeah, totally brown
this, roma was originally caled "Røme", fully nordic city that people like Varg lived in, before arabs killed all of the nordics and established a shithole that then terrorized other nordics in france. Any remaining nordics then fled to Britain, USA, Scandinavia and Germany.
that even if romans were pure angels this thread would have been reformulated to attack the romans and the greeks in the same vicious way to extirpate our roots