Australia is huge wtf

Australia is huge wtf

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Dark red is the livable place

I was surprised to find out Australia is actually more sparse than Canada

How about the city of Townsville?

I find it interesting that out of the US Canada and Australia we are the only ones who can sustain a large population

yet my dick can barely fit on this island

my aussie fren says they can only live near the coast

Big brain moment.


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sort of true.
settlements exist in the centre but never with more than a few hundred in them.

Now compare Russia's size to USA, and then check what part of that is actually inhabited

Your country pretty much hit the jackpot, when it comes to geography.

don't worry liberals and conservatives alike both want canada to have 100 million people by the end of the century, soon we can be an overpopulated hellhole and spend 40 minutes commuting 20km

Bangladesh vs Russia

>Tampa, Florida, is near my cunt
Matches up with the cancerous weather, at least.

100 million people would make a population density of merely 10 people per km2 in Canada. Your country is huge

100 million doesnt sound too bad but then i remember all of you live within 100 miles of the border

how much are you going to pay for our utilities?

Bro I told you. Discuss

There are hundreds of towns a fair bit further off the coast, anons.

Because most of Canada is unliveable same with Australia

how do towns like Calgary exist?

Not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at there.

time to colonise aussie shit posters then.

>an entire continent is huge?

For literally no reason. There's nothing stopping them from creating cities further up north

It's a fantasy country. I figured since you Aussies don't have a country of your own, somebody, better invent one.

>Russia could have 2 billion people and their population density would still barely exceed that of the EU

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European hubris sure is something else. Going a bit crazy all the way up beyond the wall, huh?

leave murrika to me

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Well yeah but those people wouldn't uniformly disperse. Yellowknife isn't going to turn into a huge metropolis or something they're going to pack the already urbanized and dense population centers to the south. 10 people per km2 doesn't accurately represent a country when 90% of its land is pretty much uninhabited

Attached: World_population_density_1994_-_with_equator.png (1920x1141, 649.42K)

What is it like to live in a tiny country? I suppose people can't have houses with backyards and stuff, is that the case?

>there are 24 counties in the US larger than slovenia
america is B-I-G

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>European hubris sure is something else. Going a bit crazy all the way up beyond the wall, huh?
One say you will have your own land user. And then you Aussies will finally be safe from persecution from the evil yankees and brits