
Attached: 751357000075321.png (720x1028, 126.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll give you a bit of simple advice I got from an uncle when I was younger.

>user, don't try to understand women.

Attached: 1587763864021.jpg (560x525, 36.6K)

nth for funposting and Yellowstone erupting

>if I truly wanted something from women I'd be simping for em.
That would just make them laugh at you, virgin retard

Based and apocalypse-pilled.

does bodies number mean the number of ppl they had fugged?

Attached: 1587921440085.png (1024x645, 345.5K)

You ever wonder why men become incels? It's not because we suddenly woke up and said "Imma be an incel today!". No, it's because we've been rejected, made fun of, sometimes even physically abused because we're not attractive
Incels are doing a righteous thing and that is exposing women for what they are, dumb fucking whores who only want Chad/money
Think about this the next time you call someone an incel

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I never tried

buncha fukkin incels itt boyo

>t's because we've been rejected, made fun of, sometimes even physically abused because we're not attractive
You're not attractive on this inside, too.

The only reason I was rejected is because of my looks you dumb tranny

What's the point of being attractive on the inside if I'm not attractive on the outside?

based incel
women only care about looks


>Incels are doing a righteous thing and that is exposing women for what they are, dumb fucking whores who only want Chad/money
yeah... sorry but i have to say that's a big cringe
stop calling me tranny, i'm not trans
do you even know that is the exact reason why you got rejected? i doubt that's reason

you know what? FUCK women!

Attached: index.jpg (276x183, 10.09K)

I know plenty of people who get laid because they're smart/funny/charming while being sub 5/10.
I know plenty of incels who were attractive but couldn't get laid to save their life, because they had shitty personalities.


Attached: this is me this is literally me.png (1439x1079, 1.86M)

ke pex asuka, que haces aca?
no te creas esas cosas

Attached: 1500667459008.jpg (353x356, 35.54K)

I really really like this image, it makes me smile.

Attached: 1586567439307.png (1310x1200, 642.28K)

Girls don't want to be my gf

Attached: tron.png (600x600, 142.67K)


Attached: 1586419161975.webm (368x368, 969.69K)

that's a funny looking frog?
what do those colors mean?

Attached: 335.jpg (365x453, 100.09K)

I like this vidya

Attached: 1587928422644.webm (720x1280, 1.89M)

why are vaginas so grossly unaethestic compared to penises?

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 12.8K)

I think genitalia are gross.

They look like clams with a quarantine beard

>do you even know that is the exact reason why you got rejected? i doubt that's reason

>I know plenty of people who get laid because they're smart/funny/charming while being sub 5/10.
Yeah so do I, those people just happen to have a bit of money in their bank accounts too

Attached: 1585199405401.png (717x720, 309.39K)

urkel is a handsome and strong lad

Attached: 1577925402461.jpg (3024x4032, 1.09M)

bunch of dumb ass gay niggas in this thread

vaginas are overrated
penises are based & redpilled

I won't get repeating digits ):


Attached: I+am+recoome+_3048fd60ad84c26979cd7dc0a825b74c.gif (300x168, 380.63K)

i want to stab fk

pubic hair on vaginas is disgusting
this post is based and redpilled


lesbians are gross

>those people just happen to have a bit of money in their bank accounts too
The people I'm talking about are blue collar workers, like me.

New Jersey

I don't mind some hair on vulvas as long as it's well-maintained. Guys look better with a decent bush.

I'm straight but vaginas are not sexually appealing

I couldn't agree more.
Yuri is an abomination and must be destroyed.

All humans are gross

Attached: 4D24E81D00000578-0-image-a-25_1528753451308.jpg (1908x1146, 169.52K)

i'm not a lesbian I'm an anti tranny repressor

you ain't convincing me at all with that screaming
i bet you ain't even ugly at all

If I'm going to look at porn 90% of the time it's close ups of vaginas

Attached: dance dance.webm (450x480, 963.97K)


good post
bad post

i am ugly

>All humans are gross

you look more fem than me tho

i bet you're not

this picture insults me please delete it

last thread had 45 posters

Attached: d.jpg (500x305, 35.23K)

Art is meant to be insulting.

Attached: 20181123_163116-1-1-1.jpg (1819x2456, 1.02M)



Not going to post my face only to be called the n word and other racial slurs

stupid n word and other racial slurs