1. country

1. country
2. cofe time?
>oh yeah you know it baby

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i only drink this when i absolutely need the energy.

yep, i'm thinking it's coffee time

and I need the energy all the time, baby *winks*

I'm drinking white monster actually

energy for what



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i poop when i drink cafe

The holy C trinity
Café, cigarrete, caca

No thanks

I've drank one and a half litres of coffee today and some self-made low alcohol beer (that's full of yeast) today. The braaps have been unreal

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is making beer hard

today is green tea time for me, you gotta switch it up

Not the kind I'm making. You boil malts and a little sugar. After it cools you add yeast, then just let it be and brew for a day. Then you scoop the malts and other crap out, and bottle the beer. You can drink it right away, but it's better if you let it sit in the fridge for at least a day.
Actual beer is a little harder, and it's brewed for much longer.

does it taste nice

It tastes like if someone made a soft drink out of rye bread. Really sweet, but with a strong acidic bitterness.

that actually sounds nice

based irl my summer car player. how is the kilju?

abv? cant be more than 2% if youve only let it ferment for a day

Kotikalja, a little over 2%. If I make kilju, it's 8-9%. It's meant to be something that kids can drink too, and gets too bitter if you make it stronger (and then might as well make kilju).

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>its meant to be something kids can drink too
user that is a always a bad idea, no matter how little abv. it always starts with a beer or something weak, and then it works its way up until you have an alcoholic

Only true coffee drinkers buy the cheapeast most bitter preground shit and make it through a maker your mum passed on to you when you moved out. Macron was clearly not informed of this custom.

it's almost 2 am!
(yes but only a little bit)

Going for me second cup this morning

but if you make this thread tomorrow I'll post my beans and cup

00:36 here, having a cup and a snack.

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>and then it works its way up until you have an alcoholic
It's called being Finnish.