The Himba Tribe in Namibia, Africa offers visitors free sex with the women.
So, would you Yas Forums?
The Himba Tribe in Namibia, Africa offers visitors free sex with the women
no i will not allow a black enchantress to rob me of my precious bodily fluids
Doubt that there isn’t a catch like a goat payment
beggars can't be choosers
of course
i would if it werent for the HIV i would undoubtedly contract
>I suffer in Namibia.
A goat seems a little expensive but I'd definitely pay a chicken
The OvaHimba are polygamous, with the average Himba man being husband to two wives at the same time. They also practice early arranged marriages. Young Himba girls are married to male partners chosen by their fathers. This happens from the onset of puberty,[1] which may mean that girls aged 10 or below are married off. This practice is illegal in Namibia, and even some OvaHimba contest it, but it is nevertheless widespread.[7] Among the Himba people, it is customary as a rite of passage to circumcise boys before puberty. Upon marriage, a Himba boy is considered a man, unlike a Himba girl who is not considered a fully-fledged woman until she bears a child.
Marriage among the OvaHimba involves transactions of cattle, which are the source of their economy. Bridewealth is involved in these transactions; this can be negotiable between the groom's family and the bride's father, depending on the relative poverty of the families involved.[8] In order for the bride's family to accept the bridewealth, the cattle must appear of high quality. It is standard practice to offer an ox, but more cattle will be offered if the groom's father is wealthy and is capable of offering more.
A isolated tribe such as the himba are unlikely to have hiv also Namibia doesn’t have a high rate anyway
Also have you never heard of condoms????
the females*
this thread would have been deleted if you posted a human
I believe it's mostly prevalent among the tribeless degenerates from the cities
I have fond memories of jacking it to tribal tits from my school books before I was brave enough to visit a porn site
I don't want aids
>So, would you Yas Forums?
No doubt
I'd teach her degenerate (for her tribe) sex shit and even eat her pussy
dude they're offering free sex to tourists, you don't think this carries a high HIV risk? You think you will be the only one who does this?
>So, would you Yas Forums?
not sure, even with a condom I'd probably worry about aids and eventually get tested
at the end it wouldn't be worth it
Why do they offer free sex?
When I was in Africa with my parents the women in one of the tribes kept touching and stroking my hair. This was pretty remote, our guide drove us for like 6 hours into the bush. They literally greeted us with spears and shit.
They only take BPC (big pastoralist cock)
What country?
did you fuck one women on africa?
she looks 14-15?
culture overrides western sensibilities and laws then
Can suck off her nipples whole the day
They dont take baths at all. Good luck keeping your dick up with that smell.
Do they speak English?
Northwestern Namibia, the Himba tribe I think it was. I have like 200 photos on my pc at home from there.
As a male it's hard to catch AIDS from vaginal sex
They look ok. But clearly never took a shower in their lives. This hair must stink.
I wander if she got chocolate milk in there