In light of Corona bonds debate and once again renewed tensions...

In light of Corona bonds debate and once again renewed tensions, I propose splitting Eu in two parts - Hanseatic union and Southern European union. Both would be with memberships of similar mentality countries, both politically and economically.
Hanseatic union
>High growth economies
>Little to no debt
>Already has numerous inside unions, like v4, nb8, new hanseatic union and etc, showing their political closeness
Southern European union
>Pro spending
>Fiscally irresponsible
>Huge infighting among themselves
>Little to no economical growth

Attached: unions.png (4592x3196, 1.28M)

Don't you think we have enough with ourselves that you have to put us with Romania and Bulgaria you stupid cunt

Red = soul

Blue = shitholes and snow that no one cares

Belgium supported coronabonds though you retard

Bulgaria and Romania are much more similar politically and economically to you than to us.

Countries with high standard of living and continues economic growth
Faux socialist shitholes

Take France, Romania and Bulgaria out

It's the only country that would support the union more or less
It's also historically, politically and economically more similar to PIGS than to Northern Eu
>Romania and Bulgaria
They're literally Italy but more poor

It's settled then, when do we split up?

Eslovenia and Croatia are much more similar to us than Romania (but the language) and of course Bulgaria

Do you realize Poland and Hungary are the biggest welfare queens of the EU and you have nothing in common with the union you associate yourself with, right?

Slovenia and Croatia are fiscally responsible, though

Imagine a union of only germanic countries.

Romania and Bulgaria are much more integrated with Germany.

pretty based lol except red union would probably indebt themselves with blue union anyways

>you have nothing in common with the union you associate yourself with, right?
>Thousands of years of common history
>Fiscally similar
>Politically more similar as well
And if you're talking about baltics
>We're literally joint colonies of Germany and Nordics
>We're part of nb8 (Nordic - baltic seperate union), new hanseatic union and etc.
> Poland and Hungary are the biggest welfare queens of the EU
Also have huge growth, only surpassed in that regard by baltics.

Why would you want to kick out Finland and your colonies (baltics)?

Attached: 1566657005269.png (1180x1000, 130.43K)

Because you want to live on gibs from the germanics. Nothing personel kid

I don't want to invite the Bong back again, but otherwise thats a pretty good setup.

>Gibs from Germanics
We literally voted against corona bonds and have low debt
And have A+ credit rating

sorry but we are med

Ireland is in favour of corona bonds

Poor France having to babysit that mess

Lol, your country is poorer than Congo.

Also France is its own thing, with Belgium and Ireland and UK if they want.

>I propose splitting Eu in two parts
And I propose you shut up. It's European integration or foreign domination. Period.

It's always funny to see those shitholes at the East which don't have their place in the EU coming to insult Spain and Italy while Lithuanians discovered electricity in 1990's.

You, Lithuanians, are 2nd zone people for us. We look down at you.

Yeah because the EU has done so much to free us from foreign domination sofar.

How does it feel to be Lithuanian?

Attached: 1557090512584.png (800x570, 191.87K)

Things would look much worse without it though. And that's my point. We need to get our shit together and stop half-assing everything.

Don’t worry, no one here would notice if France disappered from Earth so the feeling are mutual. Though I have to agree that OP is a larper and we are no where near the economical development of Western/Nordic countries and there are real life examples like Belarus and Ukraine, what would have happened to us without all the EU gibs

Didn't we have the lowest debt to gdp ratio, i think even the EU tried to make us take debt (not gibs) from the european banks?