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Other urls found in this thread:



Moni's onlyfans lads, for $5 you'll never need pornhub again, PHWOARRRRRRRRRRRR

too much of a coward to reply to me directly
you dont know anything. you clearly dont need an actual computer if youre considering buying an apple machine. and that's fine. if you cant deal with problems and fix them by yourself, then yeah, apple is a good choice. however the trade off is a less flexible, customizable and powerful system.

Donald J. Trump
The people that know me and know the history of our Country say that I am the hardest working President in history.

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sneed tear down this city slicker

roast chicken, rice (drizzled with chicken fat) and dahl for dinner

was pengo

Wonder if Yas Forums ever replied to his email


absolute state of the american aviation industry

I don't know if any of you zoomers know this, but there used to be a lolly called Fags

not happy with this clogwog starting all these news

was there also buttermilk with a willy and bollocks logo?

no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on Yas Forums: >americans
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: slaps roof of car luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: is retarded
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: flies past in a spaceship ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
Everyone liked that
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
4channer: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

odd looking fella

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is clogwog caralad

>virgazoidal neek
ummm actually if you took the time to research, you could simply buy more RAM and flash the mobo

>cash-rich, time-poor chad
it's broke? new macbook pro, express delivery.

those sheds look mighty familiar

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>fuck off posts about self improvement
>and subscribed to a shouty youtuber

yep, i'm thinking cringoid

used to get really annoyed at caralad for firstposting the thread

are you some sort of black cunt? shut the fuck up

honestly scared of the world my nephews/nieces are heading into after this

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lowkey one of the better mau5 tunes
that breakdown at 1:28 is sublime

everyone in this thread is seething because they are not as young and attractive as I am

any ereader chads in?

caralad is dead

imagine inviting a girl round yours to watch a film, and you whip out your 2005 thinkpad. would probably dry up within seconds

and if you tolerate this, then your children they'll be next

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he just can't be re-elected after all this can he

Which /brit/ poster comes from the grimest town ?
I raise you Cologne

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me when i don't get (you)'s in here

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There is no normal. The idiots of the world just fell over backwards and agreed to shut all social activities.

rorke off his rocker



love it
he's off on a mad one isn't he

Saving for my masters degree for next year. Stupidly expensive accommodation just to say I sat a long time in a library at a nice university

if you actually want a fast computer you need to install an ancient version of windows on a modern computer. I can start up ms word in seconds

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hungary to stop legally recognising trans "people"
beyond based
redditors SEETHING

you still get that little little paperclip guy

why is he angry?

i agree lad, was a big fan of him back in the day

i also like this one a lot



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I hope you finally get laid just so you have a trans kid, rorke freak

*whips out my 4 inch phone*

not that he had any credibility to begin with, but paul has literally just tanked his career by showing himself as an unhinged lunatic in a way he'll never live down

>Responding to someone who asked me to write fuck off lists of self improvement stuff
>Shouty British man who makes bitesized, entertaining, contrarian videos

But you're right I am probably a cringelord irl


the president of the united states is having a full on meltdown on twitter lads

full blown coping mechanism engaged

>caring about tranners one way or another
hello ddit

trans "women" are just ugly men in drag
sorry sweetie
time to dilate

what a selfish bastard. breeding and forcing his children to live a life of misery.
it's okay for him, he got lucky. he got acting roles not because of acting talent, but because he's very small, even for a dwarf. his children won't get such luck. they'll be forced to try (and fail) to live like normal people. they'll live a very, very inconvenienced life.
high school must've been a nightmare for them. imagine seeing all the pretty girls and knowing that you have NO chance with any of them. imagine seeing all the average, below average and even ugly girls and knowing that you still have NO chance. knowing that the only partner you're going to get is a freaky dwarf girl. imagine seeing all the lads your age driving, climbing trees, playing football, play fighting and so on and knowing that you can't join in.
the girl might be okay though. god knows why, but i commonly see 5/10 girls with 8/10 boyfriends. it's not unusual to see fat girls with slim and attractive boyfriends. she'll probably get a pretty decent looking normal height boyfriend. the son definitely won't though.
what a bunch of freaks. they shouldn't be allowed to breed and pollute the gene pool. it should be banned. they're damaging humanity. 500 years ago he would've been smashed against a rock as soon as he was born so he cou;dn't drain resources and certainly couldn't pass on his broken genetics. but nowadays we've fucked up natural selection and fucked up genes are now allowed to exist. we should be trying to remove deformities, disease, illness, mental disabilities, etc from the world, not propagating them.
warwick davis committed a crime against humanity by reproducing with a dwarf knowing full well that his children would be dwarfs too. that is BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. and it is a violation of the geneva convention. get me out of this crap hole cowardly country. get me a green card to the united states NOW.


kim jong un took one of his big brain pills and died


don't give them the idea

Hello Moni :)
fucking duplicate replies

The name of the cat, "Nigger Man", has often been cited in discussions of Lovecraft's racial attitudes. Lovecraft owned a cat by that name until 1904.

so have been researching homeric ithaca, very interesting stuff, but seems difficult to say exactly where it was. now i think it IS the modern ithaca but why? ok so the picture we have presented is ithaca, same, doulichion and zacynthus. same is no doubt sami, the principle settlement of kefalonia, which is to say the whole island. zacynthus the modern zacynthos, or "zante" as the venetians named it and as it is known by many normies. but ithaca and doulichion less straightforward

or is it? for me i say YES. why? firstly, and primarily, i think that if the modern ithaca had its identity severed or changed there would be some record of it. but there isnt. even in the 6th century there were coins being minted on the island with odysseus's name and head, there were places were offerings to odysseus were deposited, there even was a games called the odysseia. this leave doulichion.

now a very compelling theory has been put forward by bittlestone that the pale peninsula of kefalonia was once its own separate island, and THAT was the ancient ithaca, whereas homeric doulichion was modern ithaca. his evidence is compelling but i think its a stretch. mant ancient writers; andron, pausanias, pherecydes, all put doulichion as being situated in kefalonia. some explicitly say it was the ancient name of pale. bittlestone wants us to believe that pale was once called ithaca, its residents at some point left, and renamed doulichion as the new ithaca. what? its too convoluted. i say go with the ancients, which is very straightforward; doulichion the ancient name for pale (a separate island in those times, now a peninsula because of geological processes and changes in sea levels, this i entirely agree with bittlestone). ithaca was ithaca.

its not clear because homers descriptions often fit, but there are major inconsistencies. he describes ithaca as "furthest west" when it isnt, its the closest to the mainland. this would make one consider pale. he describes doulichion as


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>being obliged to reply once called you're out

absolutely dire selection of posters ITT.

Give me an address and I'll fucking curbstomp to death you Nazi scum

> I will often be in the Oval Office late into the night & read & see that I am angrily eating a hamburger & Diet Coke in my bedroom. People with me are always stunned. Anything to demean!


Read this in a Bostonian Italian accent x

Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!

Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!

Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao!

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it's not hard to find

I'm one of the most significant posters in /brit/ kid. Watch your fucking mouth.

Literally had this, I was running arch Linux and she was complaining it wouldn't connect to the WiFi

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Somebody tell me I'm cringe

the American sitcom Friends is British culture

quality of this thread is shite lads

It should be legal to kill known neo nazis and fascists

59 bretonside PL4 0BD plymouth

The fact Brexit has been a fucking national disaster. It really does fill me with joy.

Britain's like an alcoholic, it needs to hit rock bottom before it can accept it needs to change.


Lockdown was a mistake. I've got both parents whatsapping me retarded facebook memes

Peak british

what do you watch when you have girls over?

ive only watched films with gfs where they would insist we watch love films and id insist we watch kino like kiarostami and that

anime is alri

never happened, never will

Have sex

when lockdown's over i shall once again be frequenting plymouth's number 1 gaybar

the only way this thread could get worse is if moni shows up

"rich in wheat" consistently, whereas ithaca is described as "rugged" and "mountainous" equally consistently. pale is one of the best areas in the ionian islands for agriculture, we know that philip V of macedon specifically captured it to supply his troops with grain.

but then another inconsitency; doulichion is repeatedly referred to being near the echiniades, which geographically does not tally with the pale peninsula at any stretch.

i think ultimately we have to make the conclusion that geographically speaking homer was usually accurate, but never perfect or consistent, its the only way for his layout of mycenaean ithaca to make any sense

knives out

your posts confuse me

No he's not, be quiet.

Lefty twat

Which subreddit should I check?

seen him live back in 2012


whatever makes sense...something we'd both vaguely enjoy. Get a grip kid.

suggest about 20 films on netflix, girl complains about every suggestion

last time i had a girl over i put on darkman
she loved it

Don't need foreign rorke runts in our threads when there's already too many of them here

it's just funposting

I just have sex.
Just get some food and drink in or got for drinks then back for a fuck.
Unless they are your gf, then maybe make food or go for a meal.

unsubscribing from czech user after you said this

looking forward to the day lockdown is over. we'll walk out of our homes with our freshly-written novels under our muscley biceps

very jealous, that was when he peaked probably

his new stuffs ok but not got the same energy

leftypol the eternal loser


nah my gfs did enjoy the kino though to be honest (except space odyssey and stalker - but shit like come and see or where is the friends house clicked). we did a rota
whereas id just fall asleep during the shitty love films to be honest.

>oxford bender has put his spotify up on Yas Forums

just sad 2bh




Stabbed through the heart and you're to blame

>American Sniper
>Deer Hunter
>Bridge over the River Kwai

"Why do girls not want to watch the films I chose??"

careful you'll set off the conspiritard

reckon this czech lad is 20-21

bizarro porkesheed


what's his endgame?

this is where the achaians led by agamemnon (or equivalent mycaenaean king) landed to attack troy, or "wilusa" as it was called locally
the river has completely silted up what used to be a large bay and is now just fields, but the topography of the ancient promontory is still very clear in a 3d map, as is the sheltered cove where the greeks landed
still signs of the earthworks they constructed at its entrance too
for orientation troy is almost exactly 5km away directly east (picture is looking west towards the aegean)
strabo writes that the greek camp was "20 stades from Ilium", thats roughly 4km so he was pretty accurate in his assumption
illustration and topographic map for reference
in bed now but was just reading the passage about the achaians' wall again. poseidon is jealous of it so zeus says he can "burst thou this wall asunder and scatter it all into the sea, and cover the great sea-beach over with sand again" once the achaians had gone

so not only was homer aware of the geography, but he knew that trojan bay had silted up since the time of the war; he was aware of how the landscape had changed over time
interested in the trojan war at the moment so ive done a drawing the green marks the coastline 3000 years ago, red is the trojans, dark blue is the greeks, they beached their ships inside the bay and built a wall/palisade/dyke across the promontory which they sallied from
think good arguments can be made for both besik bay and the sigeion ridge being the site of the achaeans landing during the trojan war

as for the former, it was a larger beach, easier to reach, and would be better logistically due to its position for seaborne supplies and the availability of fresh water
as for the latter, it was a far stronger position militarily and would have been much easier to defend, and has clear topographic relationship with the iliad's description; the equivalence between the kesik cut and achaean wall being a good example

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Rorke spending his days at the packaged sandwich factory and his nights on the special brew

Leftypol finishing his PhD and launching a successful business, whilst helping his wife raise two beautiful, curious children

the fwb literally said to me "i don't like watching films where you have to think, i like shitty movies"

The only way to fix Britain is to kill all rorkes and all rasheeds.

most girls like eyes wide shut to be fair.

happiness (todd solondz) isn't a good choice though

gf said she'd sort the potatoes for tonight's dinner. Just had a look at them and she's completely fucked them up beyond all repair. Asked her what she seasoned them with and she said "salt and butter". Bear in mind this is for a Mediterranean chicken.

Had to take myself into the other room to calm down, otherwise I would have gone absolutely spare

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Don't watch anything, it's cliche. Just some wine and chatting, maybe some music if she wants, get to the kissing within 20 minutes.

Only time I watched stuff with a girl she was a film grad so we watched old stuff like Rebel Without a Cause, and some soppy old film about an American guy and European girl who met on a train to Vienna.

one of the original reddituscians

if only they had yoof clubs

that's exactly what I've always thought
post 2012 his tunes have been very underwhelming

getting bored of furloughtoil ngl

100% certain I will kill myself one day.
It's a question of when, not if.