I'm from Tokyo university what's your university!

i'm from Tokyo university what's your university!

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Other urls found in this thread:



im a neet

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Federal Rural University of Pernambuco

Neet ftw
neet ftw

hello Keitaro

National Autonomous University of Mexico

Royal Institute of Technology

I love the movie "Cube".

I enjoyed it as well.

I'm a NEET
based (&redpilled)

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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The royals got royally played

we're working on a vaccine that will save millions of lines right now :^)

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Chalmerschad här

lives, kek
this is why you don't phonepost, kids.

University of São Paulo

Everybody is doing that

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Western Connecticut State University

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Yes but we will be first

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Not the best Uni in the cunt, only produced 4 Nobel prize winners so far, the probably best know invention was the mp3. But it is still nice to study there.

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University of Toronto

University of Amsterdam!

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university of dropped out of guelph-humber and picked up a trade

>university of the streets bro


t. pedo rapist.

Bet you drive a Prius.

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the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, est. 1592

Attached: me.jpg (500x440, 29.91K)

thank christ I figured out before first semester ended that school wasn't for me, otherwise I would have dropped bare fucking bands

School of hard knocks, nerd.

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wtf? is this real?

>of Queen Elizabeth
are the irish really this cucked

currently in mexico thanks to the virus

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