i'm from Tokyo university what's your university!
I'm from Tokyo university what's your university!
Other urls found in this thread:
im a neet
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
Neet ftw
neet ftw
hello Keitaro
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Royal Institute of Technology
I love the movie "Cube".
I enjoyed it as well.
I'm a NEET
based (&redpilled)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The royals got royally played
we're working on a vaccine that will save millions of lines right now :^)
Chalmerschad här
lives, kek
this is why you don't phonepost, kids.
University of São Paulo
Everybody is doing that
Western Connecticut State University
Yes but we will be first
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Not the best Uni in the cunt, only produced 4 Nobel prize winners so far, the probably best know invention was the mp3. But it is still nice to study there.
University of Toronto
University of Amsterdam!
university of dropped out of guelph-humber and picked up a trade
>university of the streets bro
t. pedo rapist.
Bet you drive a Prius.
the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, est. 1592
thank christ I figured out before first semester ended that school wasn't for me, otherwise I would have dropped bare fucking bands
School of hard knocks, nerd.
wtf? is this real?
>of Queen Elizabeth
are the irish really this cucked
currently in mexico thanks to the virus