So what type of girl do you usually attract in your country?
So what type of girl do you usually attract in your country?
The nonexistent ones
The ugly ones
Goth chicks
Artsy liberals that want to “save” me
I always end up hating them like I hate myself
smoking hot blonde women with hefty busts, usually at the beach
The one with penis
my mom
Judging by my Tinder matches, the weird type. Though to be fair, I intentionally make my profile really weird so that the boring people will skip me. If I'm in a bar, the drunk type
This, but I also refuse them
Fat emo desu
show feet
Fat or flat
low iq or chubby and desperate
black girls for some reason, but i'm racist so it would never work
does Binlanddd even have normies?
latinas, brown asians, artsy white girls. i'm mulatto btw
Mentally damaged who come from shit families, mainly latina since I'm a spic.
Sorry I lied. Only fat emo girls talk to me
Older women hit on me for some reason
White women
Save you from what ?
Thicc girls usually. Sometimes hot 30+ women looking for young Latin dudes. Latina every now but majority seems to be redhead/Celtic types. Pretty popular with Russian and Anglo girls too.
bimbo SEA chinks.
t. Malay BVLL
fat and transgender ones according to dating apps
Hot south American girls not joking
i am so fucking tired of being me
im so sick of missing out on everything, being a loser in general, being hated by everyone i meet, not having done anything
i just want to stop existing, vanish into thin air
Girls with Slavic dads
For some reasson I've mostly attracted skinny girls
are you me ?
Really cringey post
Where does this happen that you meet these people?
Fat and annoying as all hell
You know what to do...
Black for some reason, and they like it
the ones i dont like
BLEACH some latinas ?
younger than me, and I attract all the shy and some bitches from time to time
So many of the girls I see on there are totally interchangeable. I wouldn't even want to attempt chatting with them, it's just an instant nope
Stop fapping until you start to want to bone them, then you'll have more curiosity in knowing them.