Servia LMAO edition
Servia LMAO edition
we dem boys
>tosk? i thought you said you were Albanian
damn are serbians really like that ?
Yes they really do lmao
You are massive cucks if you post in this turk albanian shit thread
I dunno man, what you think?
They're worse
short answer yes
long answer, yes they really are like that
i thought serbs werd heroic warriors but now i truly see the real TVRK warrior
What is this?
>i thought serbs werd heroic warriors
Aren't you produ to be turkish now, ikibey?
imagine being a young matt dillon
Post your favourite songs about /balk/ countries
Some servoid custom where men fuck the dirt/bridges to bless them or whatever and the ladies stick food in their vagina and give it to children for good luck
Where the fuck did you even get this from
>last dying breath
I have a better title for the song: 'retreat' or 'hide on an island for 4 years'
Marina Abramovic
What the fuck. Why are they so autistic, did we hit their head too hard when we came there to collect taxes and boys?
LMAO, the fuck?
She is edgy cunt who is presenting her edginess through some shit and peoples are calling that stupid shit an art. I wish her death.
I hate women so fucking much.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you fucking albozergs are something else
How often you shop at Dragan's place, Slon?
Did you know that Hungarians used to practice human sacrifice?
>actually believing this
Bros why are they so obsessed with us?
>be serbshit army
>get destroyed
>immigrate illegally to Albania like a bitch
>get killed, at least 300k dead lol in albania
>hide in island
>final months of war
>get let loose by allies
>”it seems nobody is defending this territory”
>run across all of Ex-Yu with no opposition
>gg e-zee we wuz war heroes n shieet
No. What is the practice called??
albozerg discord raid lmao
Fuck this thread is depressing. At least in the /ex-yu/ thread they post autistic screenshots for lols.
Her face was on every billboard around my neighborhood. She supposed to perform here I guess. Never bothered check who she was until now, googled her, she sounds like a waste of space.
I remember that I was like 12 and in the history book there was some description of early Slavs by some merchant. He said that Slavs are fierce and in battle if they are losing they pledge their lives to god's. And even if they win the battle they kill themselves to fulfill their oaths to their gods.
why are all albanians outside of albania if its a good country tho
Did effendi khs or why isnt he posting anymore
because it's not a good country dumbass serb
Massive cucks
If you want a real degenerate practise check this out
Holy fuck ahahaha the servoids got so butthurt they raided a virtual thread on the internet
Well there isn't an exact name, but in folk tales there are references to it. Like giving a virgin girl to a dragon is probably an euphemism for human sacrifice. Also they say our first chief was killed when we settled here by our own people. That could be a Moses fanfic. The most famous story about human sacrifice is about a group of masons building a castle, but the castle always collapses no matter what they do. Then they decide to kill the wife of the chief mason and lay her remains in the wall. After it the walls don't collapse anymore.
>In Kosovo[a] and northern Macedonia, if a Serb had a weak family, he could be protected by an Albanian clan from other Albanians in exchange for anything from weapons or folk attire material (Serbs had rich textile art in the southern regions)
The strong Albanian Gheg protects the weak serbling 'man'
What are you even on about, there's 4 albaboonians in this thread and only 2 Serbs
Its not the country, its the people.Ever wondered why not a single neightbour likes you? Montenegrins hate you, serbs hate you, greeks I dont know but I dont think they love you, macedonians hate you.Do you really think everybody that had interaction with you hates you for no reason?
Mama Mia, Marco! I Serbi sono Italiani!
We just wanted to have a laugh and pinched some laughs from Balkan's prime laughing stock, Servia. Nothing personal
>all these albanians, shit flinging itt yet no albania flag
Because Slavs gang up to steal other people's land?
We don't care that slavs hate us
And the only Albanian flag recently on /balk/ is a voreioipirotis
Nobody gives a fuck about slavshits you dumb nationalist retard fuck off back to your swamp sweller containment zone
>Ever wondered why not a single neightbour likes you
Laughed at the irony btw
Stupid sqhiplet
Try harder next time
These are the people that are trying to outsmart you