Is this true?

Is this true?

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Everyone knows Southern India is the good place of India, really comfy place, while Northern India is just a hellhole.


dravidian niggers blown the fuck out by Chad Charioteer Indra with fair skin that they seethe about it even in the 21st century. thats right, my ancestors blew their load inside the most fertile of Dravidian women to produce conquerors like me.

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No idea, who even gives a shit about the skin colour variation of some Pajeets?

If anything it's the reverse.
Tamil has always been #1 literal who language.

>dravidian niggers blown the fuck out by Chad Charioteer Indra with fair skin that they seethe about it even in the 21st century. thats right, my ancestors blew their load inside the most fertile of Dravidian women to produce conquerors like me.

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In 2392 BC, India was invaded by Aryan subhumans. INDRA, the Aryan God, was an arrogant wh*Toid who was killing black people. Then, arose a BULL, by the name of KRISHNA, his name literally meaning "BLACK" to describe his BLACK BULL nature, he slayed the wh*Te scum in battle and made the Aryan God, Indra to bow down to him and submit. He also married the whitest girl, Radha and made the glorious INDIC UBERMENSCH race.

We all know that the BLACK lands of India and Europe were invaded by Aryans, who raped the native populace and now their mutt children became the Indo-Aryans and Europeans.

However, in India the BLACK race resisted, and became the Afro-Dravidian übermensch.

Krishna, a BLACK man, slayed the Aryan warmongerer Indra and made him submit. This is why in India they still worship him as the supreme lord and they worship the BLACK penis (Shivalingam).

2000 years later, the wh*Te gayreeks attacked the black nation of India. Wh*te armies had conquered Persia, Israel, AFRIKA and many other bull nations, India was the last stand against the wh-te race. Then arose another BLACK BULL by the name of CHADragupta who defeated the wh*Tes as a payback for invading black countries.

Another 1000 years later, the wh7te Huns invaded India again, rose another black BVLL by the name of SKANDAGUPTA who btfo'd whites again.

Sadly, the nefarious plans of the whites had succeeded in 1857 as it seemed the black nation of India had finally been defeated, but then it wasn't over because the black übermesnch in India refused to give up. Rose another BLACK BVLL by the name of Mohaneo Jamaland Gandhi. He triggered wh*Tes with the power of his mere speech.

Now the black Indians are being imported en masse in San Francisco where they're surrounded by wh-Te Mexican immigrants. The Indians might fight to end this accursed race for once and for all

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why do indians want to be white so bad ?

north indians and pakistanis genuinely believe they are white. even the word for a white person/light skinned indian person in their languages is the same "Gora".

based chadrasekhar azad ravan poster


>HDI lower than Somalia

Not true. Somalia's HDI is 0.351. Even the worst Indian state is at 0.576:

Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat are decent places in North India.

some white people on /x/ unironically want to be indian

Funnily enough Gypsies are also related to Northern Indians.


Attached: dravidian.png (911x362, 40.95K)

DRAVIDIAN BVLLS spread Hinduism to your cunt.

Northerners are literally just sandniggers who hate being referred to as such.

This is an ISI post, sage and move on

I'm a n*rthie cuck I wish I was a dark tamil kang


>This is an ISI post

OP is literally a Bay Area Pakistani-American who has previously posted about moving back to Pakistan and joining the ISI.

You are correct.

>about moving back to Pakistan and joining the ISI.
lol screenshot? OP is namma payyan just பேயீட் posting but post the screenshot regardless

>OP is literally a Bay Area Pakistani-American who has previously posted about moving back to Pakistan and joining the ISI.
Kek what the fuck am i reading

He is an old regular on this board.

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Yes we've seen this screenshot a lot but not this one The other naarthies say this guy spammed the board for two years and stopped only after 370 was revoked

Do most Indians really give a shit? Maybe we're just giving attention to a vocal minority and overestimate their actual size, kind of like thinking weebs are everywhere IRL just because they're so prolific on the internet

>t. bihari

He won't go back for the same reason I won't go back, the countries are shitholes. He can only serve Pakistan by running D&C memes, kind of sad after what happened in 1971 when they were planning to take Kashmir, create Khalistan and incorporate East India into East Pakistan, but ended up getting BTFOd.

I dont care about all that at all bro. But this nigga legit posted about India everyday for two years straight even does now too. Guy must be one mental midget of a punjabi if true.

HP baniya actually, but my point still stands.

What the fuck? lol. I'm not even from that part of the world my guy.

You guys are delusional lol, this is the first thread I've ever made on India.

Why did he stop posting after article 370 was revoked though?

good book about how hinduism reconquered India from Buddhists?

What was the point in continuing? Pakistan have been crying about Kashmir to the world ever since it was scrapped, they've spent so much money on propaganda and the Arab nations dont even speak out on it. Must have been disheartening desu.

Read Adi Shankaracharya's life history I guess. Go ask on desi bruh