why are women from asian countries or asians in general so obsessed with white people? i dont understand, is it self hatred?
Why are women from asian countries or asians in general so obsessed with white people? i dont understand...
>Is it self-hatred
idk. all my asian female relatives are with white guys.
This bitch isn’t even Asian?
Lots of guys here like Asian women. But no women like Asian men
Inb4 I get bombarded with coping ricecels
She is 100% pinoy
status thing most asians are poor cool western white boy rich parents comes from money etc also we are a handsome bunch
She just looks like the average mutt
>we are a handsome bunch
>Uk flag
Most asian countries have an Europe fetish, I guess its a left over from the 19th century.
Being americanized/westernized is seen as a good and prestigious thing over there.
They don't hate themselves, just feminine, ugly whiny Asian boys
She had plastic surgery to look whiter, how is that not self-hate? She even bleached her skin
She got tons of plastic surgeries to look like that
The Norf disagrees
Wanting to look as beautiful as possible and making it happen isn't self-hatred, it's the opposite
Whatever you say Lily
wait she isnt mixed?
How do you know? Doubt you even met many Asians in your country.
>cute white boys with yellow fever
The only white men with yellow fever look like this.
She tried to larp as a happa until her own family exposed her as full blooded asian. In this case I think it is self hatred
Did people in feudal Europe pretending to be nobles have "self-hatred?" No, the opposite - they had way more confidence than the average person, they truly believed and acted like they were better than the lower orders (peasants, Asians) and got others to agree with them
i have, but people here just breed with whoever they love, thats caribbean culture
not liking yourself is self hatred madam
Thats a sad looking pizza
No, I somewhere read that she larped as halfie on tumblr but it was obviously fake because she kept changing nationality
She likes herself just fine, she just recognizes that whites are the superior race
Kek, pathetic roasties.
Mentally instable, will fall apart in a few years.
thats pathetic lol
what's wrong with me?
Tiny pp
no, i don't even have pp