what is the lowest age girl you'd ever want to date?
What is the lowest age girl you'd ever want to date?
17 probably, considering any younger would be illegal for me
t. 20 year old
youngest I dated technically was 14 but I was 16.
Then 16 when I was 26.
Now I date a 19 and I'm 30. I think 16 is the lowest I'd go for really.
Also I'm under a VPN CIA and FBI and PF so fuck you.
I don't care about age, if I find them hot I'll fuck
what if you get sent to jail
>Also I'm under a VPN CIA and FBI and PF so fuck you.
Are you retarded? In Brazil it's legal to fuck 14 year olds, even if you're a adult
>what is the lowest age girl you'd ever want to date?
Same, but for dating it's that.
Not going to happen.
25 years olds are too old user. Milf-tier already.
looks jewish very nice
>looks jewish
no she doesn't
>those disgustingly skinny bowed legs
I'm not saying that because of AOC you retarded nigger, stfu.
that one looks about right
literally zero ass, zero tights, zero tits and pancake face.
Might as well date a 12 year old boy you fucking faggot
What's your point, 12 year old boys are hot
going to be living with 3 british girls this summer in a single room, two bunkbeds and a shared bathroom.
what should I expect?
two of them are attractive looking
not even surprised.
Then why were you saying that?
Is this why Brazilian women get breast/hip lift surgeries?
>what should I expect?
disgusting situation in the bathroom.
Women are pigs, the more attractive, the more piggish their behavior.
Good luck.
Because they keep harassing me for things I've posted on /x/ so I always post this at least once when I post anywhere on Yas Forums.
anything beyond 14yo is for betacucks
Yes, but you're going to have a hard time finding a girl that is as skinny as the one you posted, even without surgeries.
>25 years olds are too old user. Milf-tier already.
It's 10 years younger than I am.
our girls don't need that, they're shapely even young.
Why would you do that user? God, 4 people for only one bathroom.
I've done a 17 yo.
No regrets.
Im 20 anyways
I'm 34. The youngest I'd date is 24.
Girls younger than 24 are too juvenile for me to deal with
I can't be in a relationship feeling like a babysitter
Irrelevant. Always aim younger
Sorry, I only like child looking women.
...I am, by aiming for someone 10 years younger. Younger than that I need to deal with immature shit and party girls that are naive and will fuck around.
t. dated a 19 year old when I was 27.
I'm 26, fuck? 14, publicly date? 16
despite being legal, I feel the lower than having a gf lower than 16 could cause me pain in the ass, I'm incel anyway so whatever
Are norwegians girls really like that?
I will never date anyone older than 22
Work on an island where housing is limited and this one is inexpensive.
does your retarded viado ass knows admitting using a vpn gets you banned? I won't report you. Others might though.
t. 19
22, any lower and the dumbness will hurt.
16 sounds good.
I had my first gf at 12, and I was 12 too. When I was 15 I dated another 12 year old. Then when I was 17 I dated a 14yo, and decided that that was the last time I was doing that, just felt the age gap to be really weird.
>Are norwegians girls really like that?
Yes, younger girls are inexperienced and insecure and picking them up is extremely easy if you know how to manipulate them. I would never trust a 22 year old, they're bound to cheat on you inevitably because some fucker will pick them up when they're out drinking with friends or whatever and they aren't experienced enough to understand what's happening and end up in bed. I was regularly cheated on by gfs in the past, but not with older gfs.
t. 22
The girls I get are on average two years older than me. Oldest was 4 or 5 years older and the youngest was 1 year younger.
youngest I'd fuck if no one found out, maybe 14 (depends of course)
but actually date, 21
Why do brazilians love pigu women?? wtf just fuck pig already
Tiktok is evil. Girls openly saying their only role is to get fucked by Chads and dance to attractc Chads. Their ages are worrisome, they are all -18.
What's worse is that every girl is worshiped there. If they post something remotely sexual they get +100k views. It's over for men.
>if no one found out, maybe 14 (depends of course)
why? 14 is legal in your country so why hide?
south koreans look like shit